How big is yours?

Hi Tyson, Kinda hard to calculate the SF as the darn thing is kinda "freeform"....what I did was subtract the work area from the building size (20X22)...I never was no math whiz anyway:D :D :D
I'm still in the planning stage. As for the space, well, its big. When we moved into the new digs, I scored almost the entire basement:cool:.
It's a lot of space, and i'm another one who is not a wiz at calclating space, however, it has the following measurements: 25ft along the south side, 33ft along the west side, a staggered wall on the north side as follows: 12ft, 2ft inward, 9ft, 2ft inward and 18ft, and 18ft on the east side.
There is a stair well, north to south going up, which takes up 4 x 13 ft and is 12 1/2 ft from the west side, however, the back side, while walled in is open in the back and has headspace extending 5ft that track can go through, so that the space eaten up by the stair well is closer to 4ft x 7ft.
Maybe some helpful soul can have a try at figuring it out for me:D

I'll have to say I'm suprised at how high the precentage of 100 sq. ft. or less is. I would have never guessed that only a third are at 101 sq. ft. or higher and that the leading category would be less that 50 sq. ft. !
Hi Tyson, Me too. I was surprized to see that .....perhaps smaller living space accounts for it or maybe more people are into "detail" than are into mainline operation than I realized. Guess I've always been lucky to have all the space I wanted to suit my interest, but that's not saying that I haven't had to make some compromises. But now that I think about it you can pack a lot of railroad in a 10x10 ft space.:)

As for mine....Some say... "Its too big"...Others say..."Its too small"...But I say...."It suits me just fine":D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Tyson and three! lol For once I'm glad to be in the majority, but then again I didn't decide the size of my layout, dad did. I know if I was planning a new layout I would go bigger.

Course then maybe those folks with the bigger layouts are probably just too busy working on them to vote?