Happy New Year


Charging at full tilt.
Jan 27, 2007
Centurion, South Africa
YYYYYYHHHHAAAAAAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bounce7balloon6:wave7::row1::woot1:

You'll have to band me from the forum though- didn't manage to finish my train related things I was suppose to! :mrgreen:
Happy New Year everyone!
I gave up making New Year's resolutions many years ago, but I do have a few wishes for the new year:
1. May our trains get through the year without derailing.
2. May we see as many or more of the great pictures posted on this forum as we had last year.
3. May your problems all be small and easily solved.
and finally,
4. May everyone, everywhere coexist as peacefully as our little plastic people do.

Happy New Year, everyone - may 2008 be your best year ever!
Happy New Year!

Well its here! So, I wish everyone,

balloon6balloon6HAPPY NEW YEAR.balloon6balloon6

I have made several resolutions and hope to follow through on all of them!:mrgreen::thumb::cool:
...and some more....

!!! Happy New Year !!! sign1

To ALL of you....May the new year bring you Love, Peace and Happiness...and lots of trains...!!! :rolleyes:
Happy new year everyone. As far as resolutions go I didn't make any I did make a list of projects that I wanted to finish (posted on the HO forum) a few weeks ago and that will have to do for now.
I'll add my best wishes for "A HAPPY NEW YEAR' to all of the folks on the gauge. I spent the eve working on my On30 module. How's that for getting off to the right start?
Happy New Year!! May all of your resolutions be kept, and easily achieved. May this year shine on you with good fortune. May your new calender be adorned with several scenes from various Modelers. (The NMRA calender)