Happy Birthday Shamus!

Well many thanks indeed, yep, I reached 68 on Monday. wow, where have all the years gone:)

It looks like the big blue is back, looks great.

wow, where have all the years gone

It looks like the big blue is back, looks great.

I would have said, "turn around and look at the path behind you", but for the fact that the years have deminished my vision, and I can't see that far any more!
So, I'll say instead, may the years coming at you be filled with more joy than sorrow, more good, than bad, and still more friends to share it all with!
Oh, yeah, big blue does look great, especially when old friends drop in to say hello. Happy Birthday!
Hi there shamus, happy birthday, and may I echo the words of sumpter250 and may the years ahead be filled with joy and happyness and friends... have a good one ..steve