Ghost Train

joesho said:
lol ok good night knighthawk,but i cant see how u can sleep with that on your mind,lol id have a couple of energy drinks and stay awake:eek:

The human mind is actually quite resilient, if somewhat pliable, and one can get used to just about anything over time.

With that said, sweet dreams, everyonesign1 !
Knighthawk said:
The human mind is actually quite resilient, if somewhat pliable, and one can get used to just about anything over time.

With that said, sweet dreams, everyonesign1 !

Good night Knighthawk. And thank you for your posts.
joesho said:
hunting ghosts must be physicaly and mentaly exhusting:( were r already at 75 posts keep it up guys, lets see if can hit 100bounce7 oh and by the way is ghost hunting your full time job,knighthawk?

Hey at least talkin bout it keeps some of us entertained. maybe not some people but others who choose to hear about other peoples stories do so.

P.S. Ghost's is not a major interest to me, I just came here to talk about because it keeps me entertained.
joesho said:
lol GULP *whole house creaks around me*

Yeah. My dog started barking at the door just after I read Knighthawk's post on BEKs. My hair just stood on end!

Nothing there but the wind.:eek:ops:

Good night all! See ya later. Got a busy day myself and then it's modelin' time in the hobby room.:D
lol ok campfire story time :Dme and my cousin were at his house vernon bc, watching tv on second floor it was a bit windy out, the one mesh screen door opened and stayed open then sudenly the door opened,the scary thing is, it was lockedhis dog got up and started growling ,the hair on its back was all the way up, then the door shut and was locked agian this is a true story
`First for those that may not know the paranormal isn't anything to play with..Its serious..I have had a coffee cup thrown at me, I been hit,bit and shoved..I know of a investigator that was shove down a flight of stairs.I have heard EVPs telling us to GET OUT! My House! then we have some that seems to be laughing at us,general talking or trying to commucate..My favorite is "I see you HA! HA! HA!"

Nighthawk have you videoed of the area? Have you taken any pictures with a digital camera? Your EMF readings could they be coming from a hidden source? Say like a hidden radio DCC throttle?

For your information..Our Society's method is to debunk any paranormal activity if possible if we can't find any natural causes then its listed under unknown paranormal activity unless we get good solid proof such as EVPs,solid video activity such as doors closing,objects being moved etc..We don't put much stock in "orbs" and other light anonymities.
Uh, the case has been solved already

Yeah. It's on page 4/5, the whole end, the whole tragic but nice ending. That, and Knighthawk couldn't post ANY picture or media on Mr Smith's request. I get an idea from it though
CNWman said:
Yeah. It's on page 4/5, the whole end, the whole tragic but nice ending. That, and Knighthawk couldn't post ANY picture or media on Mr Smith's request. I get an idea from it though

Thats standard procedure.Even my Society protects our clients privacy..
yes that sound like a good idea,like my aunt says she saw a flyin saucer but every1 says she is crazy, hey rr man did my story keep u ''entertained''
joesho said:
yes that sound like a good idea,like my aunt says she saw a flyin saucer but every1 says she is crazy, hey rr man did my story keep u ''entertained''

Not really. You know what JUST FORGET ABOUT IT.
I'm not sure if this is a ghost story, foggy eyes when I wake up or what. About a year ago I suddenly work up for no reason quite quickly...I immediately opened my eyes, and a say a foggy gray "mask" of a face no more than 4" from my head! It scared the crap out of me, and I had the strange feeling that something wasn't right, almost like being watched, but more sudden, like something tried to wake me up...any ideas as to what it was?
A Sad Update

Hey guys...I have just returned from Mr. Smith's house, after being called by the same friend who introduced me to him, and informed me about the case. He passed away sometime last night, from what appears to have been a heart attack. I only knew him for six months or so, but it was long enough for me to call him a friend. I'm taking a few "me" days to work through the grief, and to prepare for my other case, so I will probably be offline for awhile. In any case, after what has happened, this other case will be my last. I've seen and done enough to last me a lifetime, and from now on, will confine myself to research only.