Fantasy Football 2004-2005

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OK, I got my draft picks all lined up. Does it work here the same way as it does in the NFL where the Superbowl winner gets the last place in the draft? :( If so you all had better leave me a few good players. :D :D :D Also if that's the case we should be able to keep some of our old players under contract. Am I gettin too deep into this or what? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D
Pitchwife said:
OK, I got my draft picks all lined up. Does it work here the same way as it does in the NFL where the Superbowl winner gets the last place in the draft? :( If so you all had better leave me a few good players. :D :D :D Also if that's the case we should be able to keep some of our old players under contract. Am I gettin too deep into this or what? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

:D :D :D
come on people!!!! we need at least one more team!!!! preferably several more teams!

for those of you thinking about it, it isnt hard to do at all. all you really have to do is check in on your team once a week or so to change players around, and we'll be happy to help if you dont know much about football.

i need more teams to squash!! :D :D :D :D
Pitchwife said:
Trainworm's right. It's not hard at all. Last year was the first time I'd ever done it and I won THE SUPERBOWL (no brag, just fact :D :D ). If I can do it anyone can. Even if you don't win it's still fun. :thumb:
BRAG all you want!! :D :D :D you Earned it!!!!!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

.............................. but THIS year it'll end different!!!!!!! :p :p :p
Yes, I'm honored to announce that Rich M is the Paybacks' Coach/Manager :) :)

He finally made it into the "concept" he started 2 years ago. :) :)

Now we're getting ready for the Third year of Fantasy Sports on The Gauge

We have room for 2 more! Anyone else want to join?? You have 2 weeks from Friday to join - otherwise we're closing the league.

August 20th Is the deadline for joining!!!!!
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