Enterprise Romulan BoP Project

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Well at least somebody is working on one :D Im actually considering two different ships for my next design project either a Norexan class warbird (although if you have one in the works already Paladin......) or a klingon Negh'Var

I'm finishing a Klingon Negh'Var, it will take a couple more of weeks, or less, I guess...

I also started working on a Valdore model, but it is not symmetrical at all, and would take a lot of work to make it buidable... :(
I'm finishing a Klingon Negh'Var, it will take a couple more of weeks, or less, I guess...

I also started working on a Valdore model, but it is not symmetrical at all, and would take a lot of work to make it buidable... :(

Excellent on the Negh'var, loved your bloodwing. Cant wait to see the big guy! what scale are you doing it in?
Do you have the parts in a file? Is it in Pepakura? I might be able to make something with it, depending...

I suppose that you are talking about the Valdore? I got the model from a mod for Starfleet Command, seems very accurate, but as it was intended to a game, the author did not bother to match the panels on some parts, I still need to look it closely to see this problem is spread in all ship or just some parts...

I did convert the original model to .LWO and I'm cleaning it in Metasequoia.
Excellent on the Negh'var, loved your bloodwing. Cant wait to see the big guy! what scale are you doing it in?

Planning 1/2500 and 1/1700, maybe 1/1400 to match the plastic kits on that scale, although the textures are not high quality enough to bigger scales.
Going back to the thread subject, what is going your BOP model? Any new pics?

Hehehe the thread did kinda get off topic didnt it sign1.
Am still working on the ventral surface, Camera battery is dead ATM but should get my rechargeables in the mail early next week. As soon as I get the bottom done and test it out I will post pics and fire off a few to anyone who wants to do a beta build to help determine final tweaks before release.
I suppose that you are talking about the Valdore? I got the model from a mod for Starfleet Command, seems very accurate, but as it was intended to a game, the author did not bother to match the panels on some parts, I still need to look it closely to see this problem is spread in all ship or just some parts...

I did convert the original model to .LWO and I'm cleaning it in Metasequoia.

Can you print what you have so far to a PDF, and send it to me? Fixing the kind of problem you're describing sounds very easy in photoshop.
Can you print what you have so far to a PDF, and send it to me? Fixing the kind of problem you're describing sounds very easy in photoshop.

Actually not, not before cleaning it.

The model is unusable as it is, it needs a lot of cleaning, cause all parts have some sort of overlapping with another one or more parts, I need to split them all to make them buidable.
I'm in for a beta build. I just finished the Hood (finally lol) and am thinking about starting on Rawen's ST:XI Enterprise (if I can scale it to match the fleet that is - the resolution is high enough, I may just have to rearrange parts).

Have you done the NX-01 in 1:1700 yet to be chased by your BoP?
Ugh, that ship is a pain to build at small sizes. Granted, I built her at 1:1900, so it was a little bit harder than it would be for you, but the design for the one I built really could use some simplification. I'm a firm believer in the the philosophy that sometimes a model looks better when it has more contiguous surfaces, even if they may be slightly the wrong shape. Thats another thing about Pepakura I've noticed, it tends to encourage lots of very complicated compound pieces in attempt to get the exact shape, with lots of little slits to cut and glue together that I think end up looking kind of bad in the end.
Have you done the NX-01 in 1:1700 yet to be chased by your BoP?

Havent built it yet but the printouts are in my build stack (Pericles' version, I think Clever's might just be a LITTLE difficult that small sign1).
and yes I do literally have an inch high stack of printouts sitting on my table.
I'm with Paragon, I like models that use simple shapes to reflect the model rather than painstakingly recreate every detail. It takes a bit of ingenuity to do so, but you can usually get really amazing looking accurate models with just a few simple shapes.

Also, I wasn't aware that there were more than one copy of the NX-01. Got links?
Cool, thanks! I've seen them both, guess I just never realized they were different versions... sign1
Ok have all the parts made. printed a copy for myself at 1:1700 (The base scale is 1:1000)and hit one small snag. Ive got all the lines in a really dark green but at that small scale they dont show up very well on some parts so I'll have to trace over all of them in black. I wont know how that works out until someone can tell me either because I'm out of ink now sign1.
Anyway anyone that wants to try this out and so we can figure out what I still have to fix (the entire ventral surface and my revisions to where the wings/pylons meet the main hull and the upper deck sides are still untested) just pm me with your e-mail and I'll shoot you a copy sometime tomorrow night (I'll be gone most of the day, have to help my mom move).
Oh BTW I designed this model without tabs, will probably put some in for the final release but for now its edge gluing all the way.
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