Digital Navy V-108

Kevin G

Nov 27, 2003
Muskegon, Michigan
The wife has surprised me with a copy of the GPM USS Missouri. Since I ahve not built a ship before I have decided that I should try a simpler one first. I downloaded the V-108 and have run into some problems and am hoping that someone can help. Part 69 is not in the diagrams but is easy enough to figure out where it goes. Part 70 is not on the diagram and I can not locate it in any picture of the model, need help with this part. I also can not find where part 65 goes either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Pictures will be posted soon, but don't expect anything spectacular.



Oct 29, 2005
São José dos Campos - Brasil
Don't worry if you are having some problems.. after all it's your first ship model. Anyway, just to let you know, i have tried to build the Digital Navy "Admirable"... i said "tried" because this is the only model ever that i've thrown in the garbage before finishing. I can suggest to try some more models to get handy with paper modelling before starting something that you think challenging.
P.S: this is only my humble opinion; Digital Navy does very pretty looking models. Just they don't fit my profile of paper builder.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2004
Avondale,Pa. USA
Hi, Part 70 are propellar guards and they go aft on the hull you can just make out the mounting spaces on the sides of the hull, 65 is a searchlight that goes on the roof of the bridge. you can make these out on the digital navy pics on Roman's site. Good luck, this is a great ship to start ship modeling with.

Kevin G

Nov 27, 2003
Muskegon, Michigan
hpept, Thanks for the reply! I thought that I was going to be an aircraft modeler but I have fallen in love with the ships. I guess that would be the time I spent in the US Navy, once it is there you cant get it out of your blood LOL

cmdrted, Thank you so much for pointing out what those parts are! I found them on the pics of the completed model on the Digital Navy site as soon as I knew what I was looking for after reading your post. I am sure glad that I have you guys to turn to when I have a problem, I would probably never finish a model without the help hehehe!
Will post pics when the batteries for the camera are charged.

Kevin G

Nov 27, 2003
Muskegon, Michigan
Some pictures of the almost completed model for your entertainment tonight!
This was my first ship build and only my third model so it is not all that great but I am really pleased with it.


The edges are not colored due to the fact that this was just a build to get used to some ship building techniques to get ready to build the GPM USS Missouri. I am also sure that some of you will notice that the two water tight doors on the superstructure are on upside down. They will remain that way as a reminder to myself to not rush. The rest of the hull is in progress and will be added as soon as the formers dry. The first set of formers twisted and warped so much that I had to remove them and start over. Lots of fiddly bits but I found that i actually enjoy working with these tiny parts and have them actually come out looking like something recognizable.
Comments are welcome and I hope to get some advice if anyone has some tips on what i have done wrong. If you think it looks like crap say so, I can take it but tell me how to make it better!
Thanks for putting up with this long post.


Sep 26, 2005
Idaho Falls, ID
Kevin, even without coloring the edges, it came out pretty good. When you tackle the larger model, just remember it builds one part at a time, and it has no subassembly any more difficult to construct that what you've already done (in other words, eat the elephant one bite at a time, and just remember it doesn't have to be consumed in a single sitting). A couple scraps of advice from my own experience. When working with the "big boys" (cruisers and up), approach the superstructures like a layer cake, and complete the first layer (add all the fiddley little details to it, including railings, even if the parts numbers might not be in sequence) before going on to the next layer. Take it from one who learned the hard way, it is a lot easier doing it that way rather than trying to fit a fiddly little part over a railing and way back under a deck overhang, while trying to thread it around and through a couple of guy wires at the same time. Similarly, add all the pipes and ladders to the funnels before you glue the funnel in place. Color all the backs of parts which will be exposed to view (like "canvas-covered" and solid railings) before you cut them from the parts pages. If at all possible, scan the parts pages before you start cutting...having a digital kit is invaluable when parts get torn, lost, spindled, mutilated, and/or turned into a pasteball. When you have open railings to contend with (or latticework girders like crane booms, aircraft catapults, etc.), consider printing them onto inkjet transparency film. If you can't do that (and the backs of the parts will be visible), print a set of mirror-image (flipped vertically or horizontally) parts on thin paper, and glue those to the back of the original part so there aren't large, blank expanses visible to the viewer/critic. Dryfit all parts before applying glue, and measure thrice and cut once. And, above all else, KEEP ON BUILDING. Hope this helps.

Andreas Kapaklis

New Member
Nov 17, 2005


Nov 21, 2005
I can't seem to download any of the PMP files. Acrobat indicates that the file has loaded, but nothing appears in the display. Any suggestions?


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
Mudgee, NSW, Australia
i downloaded last night (my time) ok.
When you click on the model to download it takes you to a new window which shows only that ship and a download link and when you click on that download link it takes you to a third(!) window with the word download which if you click on then open up your download window!!!
I hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
As far as wanting to do aircraft but getting into boats--you can always do both. And there are craft such as aircraft carriers, floatplanes, wingships and the like that include elements of both.
Thanks for sharing your ship.


Andreas Kapaklis

New Member
Nov 17, 2005
PMP download problems

Hi Everybody,

I tried it out right now and it does not seem to have problems.Probably if you have problems you can also contact the administrator of this forum. I'm sure he will help you.

Cheers Andreas