Danish Model

Alright I finaly got off my but and looked it up. July 1999 MR pg 35.

The one I was refering to is the one the Jersey Central had. They were the only ones to buy the double ended Baldwin's DR-6-4-20.

Only six were built, three in 1946 and three in 1948 numbered 2000-2005.

I couldn't get a good scan, I'll try agaian later
I'd probrobly use two of my LL E8's. I've got one with a burned up motor. And depending on the lenght of the proto type,I think it would be alot easier since the frames and shells are about the same the whole length. Might have to extend the dog bones a little if I split it right in the middle or I could cheat and just cut it off after the motor mounts and extend it from there.

There's a big show comming up at the begining of Febuary so may be I'll grab another LL E8 to bash up.
Re: these are for tom

Originally posted by rich maiorano
...this one is good if you want scratchbuild one

Yeah, right... I'll get out the carving knife and have it done by next Friday... :D Somewhere in a box I have a partially finished "two headed" SD9 that I was putting together. Now that was a kitbashing monstrosity (he, he)... :eek:

Tom F
Originally posted by tomfassett
Not to bring up old urges Jon (...:D ) but a local Hobby Shop here in Phoenix has the Fleischmann DSB unit on consignement for $49.00. I ran it and looked it over and it is in perfect condition (even the wheels are squeeky clean...). It looks brand new. If your still interested in a "two headed model," let me know and I'll check it out further for you...

Tom F

Yes, Tom, I am interested. You could even say excited! Yes, msh, pass the lotion! WOOOOA DADDY, I WANT THAT DOUBLE HEADED MONKEY! Seems a chubby man in a red suit got most of my wallet until Friday though. That's OK, though. I peeked and I get a portable mp3 player :)
you peeked?????

How could you peek???

I've got some thing just sitting in the corner under a blanket for the last week. I'd feel realy bad if I went over there and peeked.

Not that nobody would know if I just kinda accidently went over and say tripped over the blanket pulling it off a corner and having a quick look see:D :D :D :D

Your putting bad thoughts in to my head.:( :( :( :rolleyes: :) :) :)
I guess your right:) :) Cause if it was something you didn't want you could take her shopping and accidently run accross one in the store and say " who would ever want something that stupid???":D :D :D :D :D
Oooo, Jon, by Christmas mornin' that there mp3 player is just a gonna' be a lump o' coal!...
For shame, for shame...:rolleyes:

I'll head over to the hobby shop sometime this week and see if the two header is still there...

Tom F