Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part V

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So sorry to hear about Shane. I pray that you will have peace and comfort in this time. God bless.
Good morning.

It's 74 degrees and mostly cloudy. The high today is expected to be in the mid 90's. Partly cloudy conditions should prevail.
With the combination of rain and sunshine the grass has grown up tall and thick. Looks like it's time to cut grass.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 6/3/2008

Heat Index: 78°F
Humidity: 94%
Dew Point: 72°F

So Far Today
High: 76°F
Low: 73°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 6mph NNE

Today High: 95 Sunny. Highs in the mid 90s. South winds 10 to 15 mph.

Tonight Low: 72 Mostly clear. Lows in the lower 70s. South winds 10 to 15 mph.

Just a quick stop by before they bring the patient to the room. Was a nice night with the family. Took son for swimming lessons. Daughter doesn't want any part of it. Watched Star Wars I. Then worked on my "project".
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
Good morning folks

It was 74 F as I came in late to work this morning. It will be 84 F with sun. I came in late because I had to drop my son off at school this morning. He had to bring in his project for Social Studies. Of course this meant that I had to deal with extra heavy traffic on the way in.

We spent a part of the evening taking down our new tent and pack it away. It took about 5 tries to get it small enough to fit back into the carrying cases. No modeling last night.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Morning all. Off to Mom's down east. Had to take Burg to vet. Ear thing. Got his yearly "tuneup" as vet put it since it was due next month. Got meds to fix up ear. Truck seems to be fixed. Does not spark knock. Did put only 1/2 tank of regular in as was still half tank of plus. Usually it will "act up" with that mixture. Should be half tank when I get back and I will add more regular. No spark knock, fixed. Got to run. Have a good one.
Doug --

Sending big storms your way, we had over 1" of rain and wind at 5:30 AM today in less than 30 minutes. Our bad news winter has turned into a bad news spring/summer, lots of tornados/flooding and it's supposed refire tonight, ugg. Doug, did you see any of the Cubs game last night? Zambrano was his usual out of control self but when he hit that triple I just had to laugh at him running the bases, looked like an out of control freight train. No one in their right mind will get in his way sign1
Raining, coming from the west,Chicago way. No nothing today I can't get rid of headache thats been bothering me since the throat thing. Maybe sinus'. But I hope everyone else had a great day.....S.J.
Greetings, all.

The weather forecast for my area of UK was 'hot and sunny', so, quite naturally, we've had two days of heavy rain, light rain and intermittent showers.:mrgreen:

I finally built a hobby bench - take one old formica-covered sheet of ply from a skip, add under-rails and legs, and bingo! Instant flat, easy-clean working surface.:mrgreen:

Maybe now I can get on with some modelling.wall1

Good evening,
Another nice day with a few clouds now and then. Didn't do much as I didn't feel the greatest. This evening I did plant a few squash as it is supposed to rain again tonight and it is late for planting already.

They tarred and chipped the road in front of our house today, what a mess. Must have discouraged the mail girl, as of 8:00 PM we had not gotten any mail delivered.
Good evening,
Another nice day with a few clouds now and then. Didn't do much as I didn't feel the greatest. This evening I did plant a few squash as it is supposed to rain again tonight and it is late for planting already.

I picked a bucket full Saturday, Monday and 3/4 full this evening. Just like a Yank. Always behind. :twisted:
[they'll catch up real fast with warm nights]

Just got in from down east. Mom thing went better for her than me. Lady wants twice the going rate and watches the clock. She will not last long [I hope]. The folks that have been helping Mom were upset and will be looking to find me a replacement. I did find out that Mom had a lot more money in the bank than I thought. Still not need in wasting it.

Tomorrow, all day and into the evening at Legislature. wall1:cry:

Microwave popcorn time. Good night.
Hello one and all.:wave:

Not much to report here wet and rainy :cry:

Had dental appointment this afternoon all went well:thumb:

Found a brand new pair of work pants never worn for $4.00 at thrift store:eek:

Well good nite all, be sure to keep all those locomotive wheels on the railssteamtrain
I picked a bucket full Saturday, Monday and 3/4 full this evening. Just like a Yank. Always behind. :twisted:
[they'll catch up real fast with warm nights]

It is only about 2 weeks late for our climate! The ground has been to wet. Most of the farmers have not gotten their soy beans in yet. Some corn but not all has been planted. Very wet spring here.
Hope things turn around for the farmers. Sorry it's so late, but we've just been so busy the last 3 days. Will catch up tomorrow or so. God bless all and prayers for all to get better soon.

Nice pic, Jeffrey! Good luck with feet, man.
bday2Hail to the Chief - happy birthday from a misty Chicago where I pity anyone trying to fly out of O'Hare today. Thanks for the weather, Jon. Missed Zambrano's antics as I was watching the Sox struggle instead. Cut legs for the coal platforms last night. Logicman, reading a book - Railways Around Kent. Lotsa neat photos of the pre-BR days.
Good morning folks

It was 64 F humid and raining hard when I left the house. At work everything was dry. It looked like it had not rained since the overnight. What a difference 18 miles can make sometimes. Hopefully the rain will hold off as my daughter is going to the Philadelphia Zoo with her school class and my wife is one of the chaperons. High today will be 79 F.

I put away some trains and straighten up the layout last night. Now it looks like a layout instead of storage area for freight cars, locomotives, tools, paints, and other miscellaneous stuff.

We had to take one of our dogs to the vet yesterday. He was having trouble walking and would yelp if you touched him a certain way. He is OK. It looks like he strained his back. He probably did it horsing around with our other dog. He is on medication and after only 12 hours is getting around better and seems happier. If the meds don’t work within the next two weeks then it could be a ruptured disc and we will have to see what to do next.

I installed two window A/C units last night. One in our bedroom and the other in my father-in-law’s. I still have the kids’ rooms to do. I can’t do them until they cleanout the bottom of their closets so I can get their A/C units out. A sane man won’t go into their closets so it is up to them when they can be installed.

Tonight we were supposed to have a Tiger sign-up night for Cub scouts. However, our council representative was not able to visit the Kindergarten Center. She maybe is doing it today or tomorrow. So tonight we will just hold a pre-camping trip meeting for out camping trip this weekend. We will do our Tiger Sign-up as part of our Marbles Night later this month.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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