Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part II

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Well, it seems like spring has sprung... Normal temps are in the high 70's around this time of the year, but we've had two days in a row of record temps. They are forecasting still more, all in the low to mid 90's, for today through Saturday. Then we can expect to see it go down into the 80's, maybe even to normal. Still, mornings are nice, high 60's.

Headed to Tucson today. There's a national trap meet this week and we like to go there and look at the guns and other things they have for sale. It's not often you can walk up to a table of guns and pick up a $35,000 Perazzi shotgun just to get the feel of it. And yes, they have them just laying on a table along with hundreds of others.:eek: :eek:
Good Morning !!
Chuck : hope you have a good trip & the wife's surgery goes well .
Chief : have a good trip too !
EZ : send us some Arizona weather, & have a good time at the gun show !!
Hope all have a nice day !!
Thanks, John
Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 11/8/2007

Wind Chill: 52°F
Humidity: 52%
Dew Point: 35°F

So Far Today
High: 52°F
Low: 51°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 6mph SE

Today High: 72 Mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 70s. Light and variable winds.

Tonight Low: 48 Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s. Light and variable winds.

Good Afternoon all from NE Ohio
where it a cool quite day! :cry:

I haven't check this thread for a while, glad to see so many friend hear and even the Chief! sign1

We will be at the museum tonight for a board meeting to finish plans for our Holiday openhouse.



Hi all:wave:

Not much to report here, just that I'm currently the top player in the chess club at school and that there is actualy a possibility that my brick building (Walthers gold ribbion series Midtown Apliance Sales & Service) might finnaly get done. Going to visit DCCTrain to pick up my Athearn boxcar (it's a week early, too!:mrgreen:)

Hey Guys.........

It's all over. Surgery went good. Wife is sleeping right now. It has been a long day.
Thanks to all of you for your good wishes.
I need a nap.:thumb:
Chuck, that is great news. Will pray that her recovery is smooth. Had a busy day today. Had work...real job, then plenty to do with the movie. Dr. John, Firefighters for Christ were down, funny thing, they didn't know the film was about firemen, they just felt lead to come as they heard our church was doing another movie. They were from CA, NYC, NJ, etc., but they were impressed and very informative. Had to make all the last minute arrangements with the fire department, the railroad, and the EMS personel. Monday is the big train incident. Well, better go as have plenty left to do. We are decorating for Christmas and I have to set up the TRAINS!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, folks - Was invited to drop over here and say hello and I see a lot of familiar faces! Chuck, very glad to hear that all is well with your wife! Dunno if RT is here too, but glad to hear that all is well with him as well. Chief, hope your shoulder is getting better!

Enjoyed a very nice Veterans Day celebration at work including a local grade school that came to sing God Bless America (only the 1st 3 verses of course). Many veterans were there and they ended with Taps in memory of our fallen. Sunday is Veterans day and the original intent was to take 2 minutes of silent thought and prayers at 11 o'clock.

Sir James, you here? John, I've got icecream!
Chuck..It's always good to know that someone's loved one is doing better. Hope she recovers soon and you all get your life back on track...

Spanky...Love those pics..!! Let's see some more...And from the rest of you 3-railers...!! Though an HO'er myself, I got a sweet spot for them...
Thanks! BTW - Just paging back a few and found the pics, excellent as always Tom. Also, liked the station pic I saw (not sure what page, but it was a very recent post). Sorry, distracted 'cause I'm watching Survivor and also checking this site out.... Can't chew gum and rub my head at the same time either [(-D]
Chuck..It's always good to know that someone's loved one is doing better. Hope she recovers soon and you all get your life back on track...

Spanky...Love those pics..!! Let's see some more...And from the rest of you 3-railers...!! Though an HO'er myself, I got a sweet spot for them...

The Oil Refinery is HO scale as is this one (and no it's not my layout, it is at the museum)




:mrgreen: :wave:
Great pictures Tom !!
Good to see Brutus & Dennis here too !!
Well, time for me to get ready for work.
Thanks, John
Morning all. Glad to see Dennis and Jim here. Tom P, can always depend on you for some great photos. Jeffrey does good one too. Love to see those things. Tom, you've got the museum layouts going great. Hats off for all the work you have done. Means a lot to the hobby.

Had some kind of allergic reaction last night. Ended up popping two Benadryls. Worked [I'm glad as about to call EMS one time]. Probably Yankee food and no GRITS. :eek:

Well, off to breakfast and then store, [1/2 mile away].

Have a great day.
Good Morning, Y'all!

Tried to post on a "quick reply" and it got hung up. Anyway, wanted to wish everyone a good one today. Hope the weekend goes well. Continued prayers for Chuck's wife, Chief's shoulder, and for everyone else with needs.

Got a bit chilly today as we started out in the low 30s. It was a beautiful sunrise, and set to have a wonderful day. Took delivery of the Hogwarts Express last night. I am not a fan of Harry Potter, nor have I read/seen any of the books/movies. My mother is off the boat from England and I wanted a european style set that won't break the bank.

Also got the "special deliver" cars from K-Lionel to put my kid's photos on. Anyway, it is the first items I have gotten in the last few weeks and was a hit with the family.

We got started to setting the Christmas layout and tree up last night. I have a little figuring to do to work out the track, but should get it done today. These days you have to get everything up early so you can get the annual Christmas photo done and out to all the relatives.

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend.
Good morning folks

It was a brisk 32 F when I walked out the door this morning. The high is supposed to be only 45 F with showers. Yesterday I did not make it here due to fact it was a busy crazy day. I had meetings all morning and spent the afternoon putting out fires. If I was at my desk for a half-hour all day I was lucky.

No modeling last night.

This weekend is kind of open. My son has to distribute the Scouting for Food bags in the neighborhood. On Sunday we will be going to see the Philadelphia Phantoms play with the Cub Scouts. Beyond that I don’t know what is going on. We may visit the Franklin Institute.

I would like to work on installing the grab irons on the Walthers Reading Coil Cars I have on the workbench. There are still a lot of details to be added to the Farm House area.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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