Canon dachsund


Nov 18, 2007
I have finally posted my first completed build of something other than a simple building. This thing was a challenge for me. My rat terrier was growling at this thing during the photo shoot. That surprised me because her boyfriend is a dachsund. Guess it just didn't smell right to her or she wasn't impressed that it was standing next to one of her cookies.

Lessons learned:

Use the lightest cardstock you can get away with
Bic markers bleed, need to find a better coloring method
Use a variety of glues for the joint


Your Dachsund is awesome! My dog would so attack that, then eat it fast! My dog is nuts though, half Corgi, half Piranha! :)
You did a good job on the model. It looks great.

As for colouring the edges, I would suggest using water colour paints and a very light brush when painting.

Good luck with it. I am looking forward to seeing your next project.
I have been avoiding trying paint but I have reached the point of seeing that is the best way. I have a collection of craft paints because I scratchbuild in wood but I think I need to get a small acrylic artist set. Am I correct in assuming that any small cheap artist acrylic set has paint that will work well?

I have been avoiding trying paint but I have reached the point of seeing that is the best way. I have a collection of craft paints because I scratchbuild in wood but I think I need to get a small acrylic artist set. Am I correct in assuming that any small cheap artist acrylic set has paint that will work well?


There are some people that do use acrylic paint. I (personally) use jsut simple water colours, that you can get at any craft shop or any other palce that sells school supplies.