BSG 1.5 Foot Galactica


New Member
Feb 1, 2010
Well I'm still chugging through my Galactica builds. Decided to give the 1.5 ft version a try. Started on the upper bridge section first.


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Here is the lower and middle parts of the front section.


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Ok I'm very stuck and confused at this step. I can't figure out how the Former LH-1 is supposed to attach and how to fold the tips of the big piece. Does anyone have any build pics of this step or any tips? Thanks very much!


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The pictures in the instructions are kind of confusing, but I built ahead a bit and I think I figured it out. Placing these bigger formers that merge with the side landing bays also seems tough. It's hard to know exactly where to put them, and I dont like guessing so I've been doing lots of dry fitting and measuring.


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Lookin good

Hey Syph007,

Your build is looking great. Make sure you've downloaded the patch files for your version. There were two patches released for the 1.5 foot version, and three patches for the 3 foot version. The secdond patch file corrects the textures on the landing bay arms so you'll want that one for sure.

Perhaps in a future release/patch I can include a guide to be glued on the inner face of that hull section. That would make placing the formers easy.

The diagram at the bottom of page 10 in the instructions gives a profile of that piece and shows the position of the formers. You seem to have it nailed pretty well. If the former is off even a quarter inch one way or the other it would be visibly off compared to the diagram, so study that diagram and trust your eyes.

I'll monitor this thread and respond as quickly as I can to any further questions. It's always a treat to see these babies being built. I'm presently working on finishing the Agro ship (the new series version). I'm having to do quite a bit of texture work on the domes though, and I'm kind of slow at that.


Hi, thanks for the tips. I did remember to get the patch files, so I should be good. I got the formers lined up fine since they match the land bay recess parts fine. I'm trying to attach them now. Thanks again!
Doh, I didn't think about what I was doing and ending up forming the landing bay recesses backwards. With the printed part on the outside not the inside. Reprinting those today and trying again. I found a google sketchup model of the galacatica and it's been handy to look at to see how the major pieces fit together.

The only thing i want to change is to make the cannons more 3d looking, but im not quite sure what I'm going to do yet.
Well I got the landing bay recesses remade correctly and attached. Looks like my former spacing was right, they line up with the slots ok.


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Just a little update today, getting the main part together ok. I'm working on the retracting parts tonight and I hope that goes smoothly.


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I printed the model on 65lb card stock. The formers I laminated regular paper onto a Ritz box, which is probably 1mm thick.
OK! Thanks for the info. (I wondered where that red color came from......)
I've been working on the sliding struts the hold the landing bay pods. Here are a few progress pics of the construction.


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Here are the sliding struts glued in place. A picture each to show them in the open and closed position.


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amazing work so far. this is very helpfull for anybody that wants to give it a shot.
Please get as many pictures as you can for us
Hey, finally got a small update. The landing bay pods are a total pain to make correctly, on my third redo of them. Took a break from that part for a bit and started on the rear engines.


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that looks really good. have built galactica model recently, and yours makes me want to build that one now. keep going with the pix. great to have so much reference points