Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Composite Image:

I've been asked to put this together for an overall image of the work thus far.

Well it's too tall for the work console I have to stack the two major components, legs and torso, plus the whole thing is front heavy at the moment with none of the rear counterweights installed; I'm figuring the completed model will weigh in the neighborhood of two Bowling balls overall weight when finished; i.e.32 pounds or about 14.5 kilo.

The only other leastwise finished component is the Sunfury Plasma Annihilator which also cannot be mounted until the top and bottom body sections are together.

But my clumsy photo editing can give you a general idea of where I am heading with this construction.
The Sunfury Plasma Annihilator came out great!! :)
Emperor Titan Pelvic Block:

My obsession with having the option of posing my creations has worked out previously, My scratchbuilt Warhound, Warlord, Thunderhawk and Reaver have the ability to be positioned an virtually any configuration even beyond that which is mechanically sound in practice.

With this newest model I hoped to carry on the tradition but it did open up areas of concern. I designed this model to have no swivel fore and aft as in the Warlord and Warhound. I calculated the weigh of the model above the hips would collapse the hip joints were I to attempt functioning ball and socket joints as I did with the other two Titans.

With that resignation I began the Pelvic Block this weekend.

My original Pelvic Block seen here was naively small compared to the 1.66 meters tall construction this has evolved to. My original estimate of the height was on the order of a meter tall.
Yesterday Morning:

The Pelvic Block was about 4 inches square. Now it is about 6 inches by 4 inches and the basic shape is established.

This side view show the shape of the original Block

The Lower Body Turntable seated above the Block

And the Turntable and Block temporarily installed on the Hips

This thing literally fell together last night......

Such is the power and convenience of using this waffle material.

I really love this stuff. Not only is it cheap but it virtually removes the problem of squaring up and truing the angles on large constructions. I could never afforded to build this Titan without this material.
Very nice, What a beast of a model!! ;)
Forgot to post this update:

Flexibility of the Legs:

The first two images demonstrate the flexibility of the legs.

While not as articulated as my Warlord and Warhound it does have the ability to appear to be ambulatory.

The next images show the front and rear basic detail of the Pelvis.

and the 3D Titan images I am working from.....
Ever consider doing a stop-go animation of this Titan moving, walking, it would make for an awesome finale. The legs were so carefully crafted, seeing being mated with thee body is so incredibly awesome. :)
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I don't have the patience to do that kind of work. Maybe when I am finished with the actual construction.
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Sir, you have demonstrated that among the many talents and virtues you have, patience is one of your greatest!! :)
It's been a while since I've posted; we've got a lot of catching up to do....

This evening I tack glued on the corner pieces to the Pelvic Block just for the pictures shown here

So you are seeing in pretty much real time as the following sequence of images just as I assemble it for the first time.

The Pelvic Block is an unremarkable structure that functions primarily as decorative rather than functional.

All the supportive structure of the Pelvis, hips, and joints are encased in the Pelvic Block and are functional without it even being installed the same as with my Warlord Titan (Seen in the background of some of these images.)

The First image shows a basic standing pose and sad to say demonstrates that Titans as a group are pretty much dysfunctional when it comes to walking. Titans cannot lift one foot off the ground without toppling sideways because of the immutable laws of gravity. They may be able adopt a toddler's gait but the sight of these behemoths waddling across the battlefield would be ludicrous in the extreme and pretty much negate any awe and terror their size and power might engender.

Anyway It's fun to speculate about them in spite of their impracticality seen here in the Classic Titan stance.
Groin Secondary Detail:

Some of the most tedious repetitive structures to make are these Gothic style window frames. There are dozens of these and the sizes are almost all different so you cannot even set up an assembly line.

Of course some wag will say cast them or 3D print them but the truth is I cannot afford even the most primitive 3D printer and the casting process involves incompatible materials plus try as I might the casting always stands out as as well looking like the parts were cast.

No I just have to hunker down and endure the tedium.
Groin Secondary Detail:

Some of the most tedious repetitive structures to make are these Gothic style window frames. There are dozens of these and the sizes are almost all different so you cannot even set up an assembly line.

Of course some wag will say cast them or 3D print them but the truth is I cannot afford even the most primitive 3D printer and the casting process involves incompatible materials plus try as I might the casting always stands out as as well looking like the parts were cast.

No I just have to hunker down and endure the tedium.

3D printing is not for work like this. I did 3D printing back in 1986, when it was secret, and for fast prototyping. I think 3D printers disillusion many people, but for others, they are a Godsend. I like the ones that can print Nylon Gears. There is much possibility with those kind. The other kids are the Laser additive printers, but I would have to win some massive lottery, nd my time is coming to it's end. I need to do other things to wrap it up, and if I can't make it in my machine shop, then it's not worth making, for me, personally.

Your build is fantastic, I cannot imagine how fantastic it will be all painted up!! :)
Sorry to Disappoint:

But the work just done in no way is reflected in the minuscule advancement in the images proffered here. While the Groin construction must bear the mass of over half this Titan there is little to be seen indicated in the images presented here.

Front and rear projections are but somewhat faithful to M. Joazzz2's marvelous artistry for, as near as I can, I have of necessity taken certain liberties in the interpretation.

The hip area in particular need be somewhat more substantial than the rear projection image offered by Mr J.

May I be forgiven for the heresy.
Awesome assembly!! :)
With such an outpouring of interest I had my son come over to help me assemble the two components.

The good news is the legs can support the weight of the upper torso. The bad news is it is at the moment rather top heavy.

All that will change when I install the rear components and the interior. The model right now is 46 inches tall assembled with I'm figuring another 10 inches more to be added to the superstructure.

The author to scale is 75 inches tall and the 28mm scale Skitarii and the two Space Marines are added for comparison
At that height, if I saw that walking towards me, I would change my course, or duck and cover!! :)
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Well I finally bit the bullet and purchased the single most expensive component(s) of this model. Namely the Sanctum and Basilicanum Cathedral pieces for the superstructure.

There may be those who think I've compromised but once I saw those statues I knew I had to incorporate them into the upper galleries of this Emperor Titan. It was the Sanctum that really put this over the top with the flying buttresses and sentry-like sculptures on the sides.

Needless to say I shall be putting my own spin on these prefabricated appurtenances and cannibalizing the spare bitz to decorate the rest of the Titan to conform to the highly detailed Castle Keep.

At least now it can be said that I have officially joined the ranks of the 40K Converters. :D