benchwork theropy

t. alexander

Jun 20, 2002
Attalla Al.
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benchwork therapy

Hi all, Spent the weekend building some benchwork. I did'nt think I'd ever get this far. Thats yours truely standing in the middle of what will be the metropolis called Avalon.


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So ya went & built yourself into a corner, didn't ya? :D
Just kiddin' t.
That's some nice looking benchwork!
Can't wait to see your progress!

Fantastic t! It must feel great to finally be started on the actual construction. I am going to be watching your progress every step of the way. Turning dreams into reality - that's what it's all about! Keep up the good work!

:D Val
Hey t., your benchwork surely looks professional!
I'm about in the same stage of construction and can't wait to lay the first track.:cool:
I hope you got out of your access hole again! Comparing my dimensions with yours I would have been stuck there for good! :D :D :D
That's why I'll have no access holes on my layout. ;)

Hi t, Hmmm, been there, done that,liked it, then started again.:D

Looking good friend, soon have it all finsihed and trains running. Yeah, thats what I like to see.


T : your benchwork looks great! have you seen that confounded bridge?

:D philip
Lookin good t., looks like a nice fit. Did you leave a little room for if your chest sags down around your waist like mine did? I didn't gain weight as much as it just relocated. Looks like ya still got all 6 fingers on yer left paw, but why er ya hidin the raht one? Bet it feels great to see it coming together!

Woodie - I think he picked up that cap when he lived up by Cobblers Knob; I think I saw Tripod wearing one once. Speakin of Tripod, I saw a two legged dog on the animal cahnnel the yesterday. He was missing a front and rear on the same side, but when he ran he looked normal. When he stood still, he kinda hopped around. Lost 'em when he was a pup, so he doesn't know any better.
hey T!!
Looking Good!!!!!!!

Whatever you do, Don't lose this pic!!

You will want to look back on it & also show others what it looked like. I took about 40 pics of our layouts & it amazes people that you start with nothing & build your own little world! :) :) Good luck!!
I agree!! There's no therapy like that ole hammer and nails type therapy!! Tho I prefer deck screws and a cordless driver myself. :D

Aahhhhh the smell of the wood, the whine of the saw, the filling of space and especially, like Val says, the realization of a dream.

Keep goin t.!!..... and keep us posted with lots of pics every step of the way. We'll all be cheerin for ya!!
Hi all, ok I got this part what do I do, lol

That hat keeps the hamster at the ol' brain controls from getting cold. I got good heat out there but was practicing good energy conservation that day.

jon, would'nt it be great to get ol' tripod and "Duece" together!

Shamus, I was scratching my hat trying to figure out how you can build this stuff as quick as you da man!

Btw, I'm hoping that access hole will be a good incintive to stay thin? :D