Battlestar Galactica: Lego Cylons (CUTE!!!)

OUT(FRAKKING)STANDING!!! KUDOS to you for another GREAT little model.
If you could make the original BSG Colonial Blaster into an "AIRSOFT" gun, this little guy would make a cool target.train97sign1
I really like this little guy. I am looking forward to building a few.

When is he going into the Download section?
That's Hilarious!! Those pictures really made me laugh! Those little guys are going to catch on! :)
Is this an available pattern?
YEES, of yourse there is! :twisted:

However, you are not the first one asking that question. Since this is a melt of another designer's parts and newly designed parts (by me) I'd like to ask Piromodels for permission before I offer the complete parts sheet. As long as I haven't got a response I could only give you the new parts (head, chest, backpack, skirt, weapons) and a description on how to alter the original parts. So I ask you to be a bit patient. I'll keep everyone posted in this thread.

Oh, and I have recoloured the plans once more to make the golden Command Cylon!

CU! :wave:

Totally awesome, cant wait to build a few for my fleet. Hopefully you'll get a response soon. As Yoda was always telling Luke "Patience" that is what we must have...easy for him to say he was 800+ years old.

Has anyone thought of doing an IE series/Lucifer yet???

Kudos on your build, we're all gonna need glasses before were thru...

I've been thinking about it, however, I am not sure what to do with his arms..!:p

Hello, fans!

I have a problem. I tried to contact Piro to ask him for approval to combine our parts so that all parts of the Cylon figure may be released on one sheet. However, I am unable to contact him via the page . Does anybody have an idea what else I can do???
Short sitrep (after 10 years!) :bulgeeye:

I was able to contact Piro and he loves the Cylons. This was his response:







translated by Google:


Wow, that's amazing!

hmm? It's Japanese, but it feels like you're from a foreign country, right?
Can I reply in Japanese? ^^;

Anyway, it's totally OK to remodel and publish it~^^b

Thank you for the photo~^^

As you all might already know all files are available in the Resources. So much for the record. :)

However, I would never bring such an old thread out of mothballs if there was not something special to report.

A few days ago I was roaming the Modelermagic website and found a post on a new creation by Garry King. Garry is well-known for creating amazing replicas of Colonial and Cylon ships from LEGO. (I'd love to know where he keeps them, they are MASSIVE! :) ) Well, his latest creations are - you may have guessed it -


However, his Cylons are not quite what you might expect. See for yourself, please! ;)

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When I restored the pictures of this thread I found one WIP in the Cylon folder. It was a very crude idea but yesterday I was toying around with it. Well, half an hour later I had this:


which led to this:




and even THIS:

