Someone over at PM figured it out....LEGO tires....

HOWEVER, I do have this older Attack Bike pattern that does have tires that you could steal.....


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This topic was really cool. Thank for all template..

I am wonder if there are textured Titan?

And is there any template of ork stompa?
Aw, better than nothing. Good thing I am photoshop person, maybe I am first person who complete Titan textured and ork stompa.

Drop pod is my main target as I own single GW drop pod but I need 10! Pointless to spend £200 for just drop pod until now.
For my Blood Angel. Heh.

[ I have no idea why this smily image replace a.n.g.e.l..]
A guy in another group I'm part of took his empty Skoal can (chewing tobacco) and made this Orky contraption:


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Remind me of movies called battleship heh.

I just find out that I can't do Khorne Lord of Skulls and Wall of Martyrs set..... My wife won't let me buy them.. Bah.
I am wonder if anyone know where to look at or someone can made paper version?
So my wife won't find out! Heh.

So far,
I only have GW imperial strongpoint set but no Wall of Martyrs - Tempestus Firebase set.
Remind me of movies called battleship heh.

I just find out that I can't do Khorne Lord of Skulls and Wall of Martyrs set..... My wife won't let me buy them.. Bah.
I am wonder if anyone know where to look at or someone can made paper version?
So my wife won't find out! Heh.

So far,
I only have GW imperial strongpoint set but no Wall of Martyrs - Tempestus Firebase set.

The item you requested is new to Games Workshop and eventually some one may design a paper version. In the meantime, there are many schematics out there that can accommodate your buildings urge. Browse through dakkadakka or bells of lost souls. They tend to have some great sceneries build threads and how to. Here is one site that that has free templates and may be of interest to you. standard-template.html The site is a bit slow to upload but it is there. Enjoy and hope to see some of your stuff soon.

I would love to see you complete the old school Reaver Titan. Way back in the day I had a couple of the tiny metal ones, and thought how neat it would be to get a larger version. And the Epicast kits were definitely not an option on my paycheck.
However, once again, I thank you sir for your unwaivering diligence in providing us the awesomeness that is 40K. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Wow! Never see something like this. Now I know I don't need texture Titan.. Thank armorman!
I will need much referce picture as I can find to build my own one. Hopefully finished it in spring. ( Christmas rush at the moment and frozen cold at my workshop... Heh)

Been unavailable for a couple of weeks. I'm sure to check the posts when the problems here are fixed. Can't wait to see what you have there, based on the comments that followed though. Thanks, again my friend.