
Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
Very very soon, all threads more than 3 years old will become read only threads. There is good information, but too much dead weight. Do not post in them, trying to make them "up to date" Do not post in dead threads, this is how this forum is attacked, people think they gt in unnoticed. Nothing will be lost, it will be reference material. You don't have to worry about not being able to research them, they will be like a library, you are not supposed to write in Library books right? Recently, someone made a posting a thread from 2007, there was no justifiable reason for this.

Just letting you know. I am of the opinion this will have no effect on 99.99 % of the membership. Thank You. ;)
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Oops! What will happen to the WIP threads, such as the "Advanced Thunderfighter Project" and the Colonial Turbobike? Is the original creator of the thread able to "re-activate" it (by adding a new post or by asking to re-open the thread)?
Oops! What will happen to the WIP threads, such as the "Advanced Thunderfighter Project" and the Colonial Turbobike? Is the original creator of the thread able to "re-activate" it (by adding a new post or by asking to re-open the thread)?

You do have a point R-F..... Like my Discovery thread, that had nothing posted for nearly 2 years, but was eventually finished.
I think the 'owner' of the thread should have the ability to resurrect a thread as needed/desired ..... But, 'necro-posting' should be controlled.
One way to solve the problem could be starting a new thread and naming it like "(Title of closed thread) - Part 2". The first new post should contain a link to the closed "Part 1" of the thread... Hum...
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One way to solve the problem could be starting a new thread and naming it like "(Title of closed thread) - Part 2". The first new post should contain a link to the closed "Part 1" of the thread... Hum...
that would be a good work around that wouldn't require any tech solution...
One way to solve the problem could be starting a new thread and naming it like "(Title of closed thread) - Part 2". The first new post should contain a link to the closed "Part 1" of the thread... Hum...

For works in progress, just copy and paste to the new one you start. Besides, if it's been 3 years, you are better off starting a new thread.. Most people don't remember what they had for lunch yesterday.

It's just the ability to post comment edit the threads that is going away. I think it will make the forum faster, not having to have all that dead weight ready to be accessed at any time. :)
I see. Yaknow, I prefer to have everything that belongs together in one place rather than having to switch from one thread to another, especially when I am continuing something I have begun (don't want to have a zillion threads of the same subject floating around). ;)

But, like you said, the information remains available and that's all what counts. Let's give it a try. :)

One last question: Are all threads affected which have been started three years ago or those which haven't been posted in for three years? In other words, does the start date count or the date of the last post?
One last question: Are all threads affected which have been started three years ago or those which haven't been posted in for three years?

I think the second option would be the most logical choice.

But, I will say again, I think the thread OWNER should always have the ability to re-open a thread, (unless it has been closed for administrative/violation reasons.)
This ability would then satisfy the first option too, so everybody is happy ....... ;)

A good example of this would be my E-94 loco build...»german-crocodile«-in-1-38-scale.172995/
That thread is over 4 years old now, but one day, I am still gonna design and build a catenary system for that model. It would be nice to post in my own thread again in the future....... ;)

If ya get ma point..! :):)
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I understand Dan, but that means doing it for everyone, and that means the threads aren't archived. you have the ability to copy and paste the whole thread over, it will still be there, but there are 100's if not 1000's of threads that have dead links, no pictures because the members did not upload them here, which I really do not understand, since many forums require a hosting service for pics, an we are offering to host your pics, and big ones, yet people still use hosting services. If I read a post, and the image is blanked out because the link is no good, I will be deleting that post, essentially because you have a post saying "Look at this picture I have posted, and there's no picture. The onus is not on me to contact every single member of this forum and tell them their link is broken.

It is a great burden on the servers to have all those dead threads and posts being maintained ready to be posted in, moderated, and edited, as opposed to being Read Only.

Dan, you could take and go back to you E-94 loco build and make a few posts, and that will bring the date to now, excluding it from being archived. I'm surprised you didn't think of that, seeing how your one of the sharper pencils around here. :)

Addendum: Dan, I've done it for you. Everyone else, you have hours before this will not be possible. Remember, if you did start a dead thread again, you could always just have a link to the archived portion.

Dan, you could take and go back to you E-94 loco build and make a few posts, and that will bring the date to now, excluding it from being archived. I'm surprised you didn't think of that, seeing how your one of the sharper pencils around here. :)

I didn't want to get my hand smacked for necro-posting ...... Hahahaha!! :D :D :D
I didn't want to get my hand smacked for necro-posting ...... Hahahaha!! :D :D :D

That's a legitimate response. Actually, only the Original Poster can open up an old thread, that wouldn't be Necreposting!!

I'll say right here and now, anyone wanting to bring a thread of THEIR OWN forward, do it now. :D :D :D
Pulled Dan's string? Rather personal, I must say! :D