A new model to win !!!!!!!!

What you guys get up to when I'm asleep!
Ya pipped me to it Maurice.
BTW: SI units rock!

Poitr, will there be a small H8K2 to put onto the tender?

In anticipation of the next question.
Length 117,95m:200=58,98cm that gives around 59cm
Width determined by the wings span of the Emily :) 38m:200=19cm
High. This parameter is not published anywhere but looking to the plans it will be around 21m:200=10,5cm.

Maurice good try = 3 points :)

Poitr, will there be a small H8K2 to put onto the tender?

Yes. It will come with Emily.

The last question.

Which shpiyard was the Akitsushima built in and what is a geographic pozition of its wreck?
Kawasaki,Kobe. 1940 to April 1942
Sunk 24 Sep 1944
11deg; 59` 20"N / 119deg; 58` 15"E (GPS).
Err_ _ that's Coron Bay, Philippines.

And the width is while Emily is away doing what she does best.
And you've missed the masts.

And where were you this morning?
Down the pub on the Liffey water last night were you? :lol:

The float for the Seaplane is mounted backwards and seems to have a lot of extraneous stuff on it. I'd pass on it till they get it right..., love me seaplane tender Emily...,

In all honesty I think it's a great model and should make a great project for airplane folders that want to wet their toes so to speak with something new. I've thought about doing catapult aircraft dirorama sectionals with catapults at 1:33. Look at a the OU-1..., really nice looking biplane. Could do it with each of the State and City type cruisers during the early 1920's. Did the fuselage and shared it with Steve Bucher who thought it nice. Didn't get around to mapping the paint job. Just getting the fuselage right took nearly 6 months of data collecting and even then had several false starts. Might be time to get back to that project.

Best, Gil

Best, Gil
The winner is ...... Horus - 9 points. Congrats !!! Well done!!! You will get this model for free with your first order from http://www.answer.pl/shopp/ They have English version still under constriction so if you need any help with ordering drop me a PM.

Maurice, Ron, Brent, Rickstef are entitled to 30% discount for this model. Any help needed with ordering give me a shout.

More model's photos: http://www.answer.pl/shopp/gallery.php?rpd=aki&rrr=1


Great fun, thanks.


Scale may not be a real problem.
The lighters towed at speed into wind across the North Sea to give an early form of VTO capability against zepplins were not very big.
Let's just say the pilots were expected to be able to swim as well as fly.
See the lower half of
(the upper half is quaint too)
Health Warning for the impatient. This is a very slow server.

And amongst the smallest ships ever equipped to carry seaplanes were HMS Eridge and HMS Melton.
They were fitted to carry 2 Sopwith Baby floatplanes, one on each of the paddle sponsoons, intended to be hoisted out to spot for mines by the 2 derricks abeam the aft funnel in this photo. Melton survived to 1951 as the Queen of Thanet.
In practice they were never embarked but the IWM, Lambeth has (and it was on display many years ago) a very nice model showing them in place.
(I mention this only because Waterloo station is such an easy train trip from Gillingham. :lol: )

Horus said:
Maybe this will get me ship building!

Oooo, slippery slope; or should that be slipway.

I was an aircraft modeller, I used to look at the odd ship model, but one day a 'friend' said, go on, have a go, one can't hurt, you can always go back to aircraft if you don't like it, go on, I do them all the time and I'm OK, go on, try a little one first, go on, it'll make a man of you, I'll give you one to try, even my kid-brother makes them, go on....

Well, the first one made me VERY sick. What on earth can people see in this, it's just grief I thought, but the seed had been planted.....

You know the rest of the story; we all do.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here......

Hi Plain Ol Person,

Can't even type "launching" correctly...., actually I-15 was one of the earlier seaplane carrying types. The I-400 was built very late in the War. The Americans were flabergasted at the size of these submarines after the end of hostilities. The earlier carried a "Glen" type while the later carried the "Sieran" type seaplanes. The only remaining type of the latter has just recently been restored by the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. No survivors of the aircraft carrying submarines exist to my knowlege. I have both the Sourcouf and the I-25 card models..., they would make great waterline dioramas with their attendant float plane or planes.

Best regards, Gil

P.S. I see your also a fan of the RAF down in "Mojave". Who's going for a model of SS1 and the Mothership?

Egads, 12 inch gun on a submarine..., must of been a lot of fun to aim and fire. M2's end indicates that launching aircraft from a submarine is only a good idea in near perfect weather..., something that rarely happens in the North Atlantic. Maybe we should stick with the Parnall Pixie...,

Best regards, Gil
Gil, original idea was to sneak in close to the enemy and 'hit and run' with the 12 inch, fired with the gun breaking the surface, sighted through the telescope. The barrel had a sealing plug (tamion) operated by a linkage, so no-one needed to go outside before firing it. On one test firing, the linkage wasn't operated correctly blocking the muzzle so the shell took the muzzle end off! And because this was a wire-wound gun, the barrel was literally unravelled as the fragments went down-range....
Tim, great read, thanks..., the part where the front of the barrel gets peeled off and anchors the sub to the bottom was absolutely hilarious. A model of the M2 in this condition with the crew on deck scratching their heads could be the beginning of new genre, "Great Moments in New Weapon Development". This could be a whole new class of modeling just waiting to be exploited by creative modelers. Thanks again for the best laugh I've had in awhile.

Best regards, Gil

PS Guess we kind of messed up Piotr's thread a bit....,