2ND Gauge Layout party

Steve your progress looks like it is coming along nicely!

Ever have one of those nights? I had one last night. I could not do anything right. I tried to build the cupola for the passenger station but all I did was wind up with glue everywhere and no walls standing. After several futile attempts I did get the thing together. I also installed the dormers but I did not like the way they looked and tore them down. If I am daring tonight I will try to but glazing and shades in the cupola windows.
I want to participate in the party this time around. With my fairly newly adopted policy that all fleshy employees of P-K Enterprises* only have to work on whatever they want to, regardless of upcoming deadlines and goals, this makes the goal setting part harder to do (or easier to do if you consider I don't have to actually meet the goal :D). OK, I want to set goals I can meet, yet not violate my no stress policy. So, my goals are to simply comlete 2 projects I have already started. Any two. They may include:

1. A loco (yes I have several of these going :D)

2. Rollin' stock (yes I have several of these going :D)

3. A kit (yes I have several unstarted in boxes)

4. Scenicing a section of my layout, not buildings, LPBs or miniscenes, just the "environment". Grass, tree's pavement, whatever. The sections are defined by walls.

5. A bridge

6. A mini-scene.

7. Paint a bunch of LPBs

Maybe I can stretch and do 3! Not if I do like last night and spend most of the time staring at stuff and thinking about what it will loook like, but to me, that's half the fun. I have made some progress and can post some pics over the weekend.

*Under no circumstances will LPBs be consider a Fleshy Employee of P-K, and they will therefore not fall under this ruling. As if htey had any concept of time.
I got my computer control box done and working. You may visit it at http://www.the-gauge.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9121 . It was easier and took lots less time and effort than I thought it would. So now I think I'll put a roof on this relic I found in the attic of the garage. It's part of an old N scale coaling tower kit that I used to have on my n scale layout. Heat, age, and mud dobbers had destroyed it. But it will make a great shed on my HO layout and give some continuity and sentimental value. I put in some white LEDs a hand carved plater foundation. Now I will make a new roof for it and plant it on the layout. My hand is getting better and the stiches are out. FRED


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Well, I got my benchwork done. It is 6' x 15". I used an old cork pin board for the base and this has put cork all over the surface. I photo copied a turnout and used the copies to lay out the yard. Now I have 11 turnouts instead of 8. I got the first one done today and it works. I can't buy spikes here, so I am making my own, as well as the ties.

So far, so good:thumb:

Re: Update

Originally posted by TrainClown
Well, I got my benchwork done. It is 6' x 15". I used an old cork pin board for the base and this has put cork all over the surface. I photo copied a turnout and used the copies to lay out the yard. Now I have 11 turnouts instead of 8. I got the first one done today and it works. I can't buy spikes here, so I am making my own, as well as the ties.

So far, so good:thumb:


In all my years of Modeling... I never thought to make photocopies!! Too Cool!! :D :D :D :D
Thanks jon, and I found a tar for linux and posted it. I don't do linux so i assume it works. Computers are no longer a hobby of mine as it's what I do, and I only do Windows PCs. Plenty of work with them, I don't need to branch out. :) That's why I had put off the control box for so long. Now that white LEDs are so cheap I not sure I need this for my layout any longer as it was ment to conserve power and bulbs. I forget to turn stuff off. I can't wait for goldens to get cheap, and almost put off switching to whites, but then i thought about it and the change to golds should be easy, just change the LEDs. FRED
Progress report

Thought I would post a couple progress pics to show what I've managed to do so far with the new TTRAK modules.


This is a quad length module (48 3/4" long).It sure was fun trying to get the whole thing in the viewfinder.(NOT!).


This is an inside corner used for making L shaped layout (or with two a T shaped layout).

THe only real problem I have now is,deciding on what I want for scenery.
My objective was to lay track on the upper level of my M.A.T. mushroom. Track is in place and has been painted. Next step will be to add ballast.
Here is a photo at Glenford


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T-TRAK,"Trams,Trolleys,Two Tracks and Table Top.."

Robin,TTRAK origonated in Japan where layout space is at a premium.The standard straight module is just about the size of your printer paper,in fact the origonal Japanese modules are that size.

The creators of TTRAK are the staff of one of Japan's premier model railroading magazines.The FitzGeralds of NTRAK fame saw the origonal modules in Japan and thought it might have a following here in North America.TTRAK is gaining rapidly on this side of our border though I don't know about your side yet.

There are actually three track spacings in common use at the present.The first which is the origonal Japanese version has the track side by side with the roadbed actually touching.This is for trams and trolleys and small locos and freight cars.The second is a 25MM spacing which will accomodate most larger locomotives.The third is set at 33 MM which is the standard KATO double track spacing.This allows the biggest locos and cars to be run.This one also allows the use of the double track truss bridge or the double crossover or the construction of a single crossover.

The main advantage is that all you need besides the modules to set up a layout is a common banquet table and a power source.

This is probly more than you wanted to know ,but I figured I might as well write a book on the subject.:D By the way you can carry a very large TTRAK layout in your compact car and still have room for a friend.

Anybody want more onfo? go hereOfficial TTRAK home page or hereThe Unofficial TTRAK Handbook