Zathros is out of commision for now.

My Lord, I have such huge piles of wood at my house. I have a Cherry tree, 100 feet tall, that I was told was worth money. A guy is going to chop it down for me, he says he knows a few people who would buy 8 foot pieces. I wish they were all Cyerry. My Oak Tree din't lost a twig.

Hmmm... tables anyone?;) Z you should at least have someone make the wood for you into a table, or end table, chair, or some type of usable structure to commemorate the "big storm". Just saying...

Sky Seeker
Joking aside, 3 more 150' tall trees to de-limb and cut. This is killing me. The piles of cut trees has taken up vast segments of my yard. Everything looks so different. Cut wood on the sides of the road, cut wood everywhere. I lost most of the shade I had on my backyard. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. This ex-Marine named Jeremiah came out and helped me all day Saturday. He was a Godsend. I do not know him, he posted an ad saying he would help anyone who really needed help. He pulled into our driveway and went too the back of his awesome pickup, and pulled out three chain saws and I asked him to take the lead. Without him, I honestly don't know what I would have done, now at least we can move the cars in and off the property. He was so freaking awesome, he stayed for around 7 hours. My back gave out but he just kept on going on. I am going to hire him to do the stuff the insurance is covering, the huge tree that hit the house, and the one that hit my barn. He sounded happy about that. He would not take anything but beverages for that days work. Seeing how the adjuster was already here, Met-Life seems to be dragging their feet!!

Incredible. I don't think people know how bad this town got hit. My house, and the houses within a 1500 foot radius got hit the worse. It turns out there were two Tornadoes, and something called a Micro-Burst(?), not sure if that was the term, but that shot air at high pressure very hard directly on the area I live. We are supposed to be getting FEMA aid. I doubt I'll see a penny of that.
Joking aside, 3 more 150' tall trees to de-limb and cut. This is killing me. The piles of cut trees has taken up vast segments of my yard. Everything looks so different. Cut wood on the sides of the road, cut wood everywhere. I lost most of the shade I had on my backyard. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. This ex-Marine named Jeremiah came out and helped me all day Saturday. He was a Godsend. I do not know him, he posted an ad saying he would help anyone who really needed help. He pulled into our driveway and went too the back of his awesome pickup, and pulled out three chain saws and I asked him to take the lead. Without him, I honestly don't know what I would have done, now at least we can move the cars in and off the property. He was so freaking awesome, he stayed for around 7 hours. My back gave out but he just kept on going on. I am going to hire him to do the stuff the insurance is covering, the huge tree that hit the house, and the one that hit my barn. He sounded happy about that. He would not take anything but beverages for that days work. Seeing how the adjuster was already here, Met-Life seems to be dragging their feet!!

Incredible. I don't think people know how bad this town got hit. My house, and the houses within a 1500 foot radius got hit the worse. It turns out there were two Tornadoes, and something called a Micro-Burst(?), not sure if that was the term, but that shot air at high pressure very hard directly on the area I live. We are supposed to be getting FEMA aid. I doubt I'll see a penny of that.

Z a couple of months ago we got hit as well about the same time although MUCH farther south from you and yes it can be called a microburst. In my area we've had multiple power outages within a week due to a series of storms. Haven't seen anything like that in my area for a number years. Although we generally don't get hit with tornadoes due to how hilly the terrain is. Microbursts on the other hand though are a different story. Usually the storms are 15 min long with about 40 -60 mph winds intense rain and then sudden peace. Strange storm. The sky also sort of turns green. Wierd weather this year that's for sure.

God Bless that Marine Jeremiah for helping you and more than likely others during this crisis.

Sky Seeker
We had two confirmed Tornadoes in my community followed the the "Microburst". I just found this out. At least the check is on the way from my Insurance company, can't do a damned thing till that check clears, and everyone is already saying "we're all booked up", so it looks like I will have to do most of it. Tornadoes are rare in this part of Connecticut, almost unheard of. Nobody, including people who have lived here 70 years, ever remember such weather. You would not believe how dense the forest is around here. Very old growth trees.
John so glad you and the family are OK. Nice that you found someone to help you with the cleanup. Sorry I haven't posted sooner. We were in the process of moving to a new home and I got hit with two kidney stones. All over now and I'm trying to set up an area so I can get back to building models both paper and plastic, and designing my action figure displays.

Kidney stones!! I think I would have rather had the Tornadoes, only stuff got broken with them! I hope you are feeling much much better. ;)