Y-WING BUILD - Construction continues...

Hi Chuffy, nice progres there. Looking forward to the fuselage. Will you enhance the it with some custom stuff or will you leave it as is?
Hi Chuffy, nice progres there. Looking forward to the fuselage. Will you enhance the it with some custom stuff or will you leave it as is?
Well bigpetr, I hadn't planned to go further than the cockpit, but there seems to be interest here and the model does look good (save for my input!) - The pipe work is not included in the sheets, but that's to be expected...no one wants to roll card tubes! So I may have to look into acquiring some rod and tubing...we'll see how she goes :)
Righty a tale of woe! ...well sort of.

just got my parts back from the Printers - and they have printed them out on 300gsm stock which is far too thick compared to the 180gsm the guy was using last time!

I knew leaving it in the hands of someone there who didn't normally do my printing would cock it up!

Where does that leave us this week? Well the internal frame work was on two sheets and at this thickness it should be sturdy, but the other parts printed are next to useless, compared to what I had before.

So I finished crying over my expensive printing loss and had a stab at the nose section internal framework...


Two sheets above with front an rear internal structures

Parts above cut out, folded for double strength and laid out - Now as this kit has no instructions, it took a couple

of minutes and a slurp of coffee to see how these went together.

Thankfully here, the square cut-out was the piece which helped guide all the others in, pre-visualising the outer structure shape and cannon ports made the rest follow without a hitch.

Above the finished structure, will glue it together later after I have test fitted the hull over it.

Feels sturdy though and in the end, well thought out.

Another couple of hours work and happy these parts at least didn't end up in the re-cycling bin.
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I am sorry to hear that you lost all of the money on a bad print. I would suggest keeping the sheets and use them for lamination (if you need parts that are thicker than the single ply of cardstock).
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I am sorry to hear that you lost all of the money on a bad print. I would suggest keeping the sheets and use them for lamination (if you need parts that are thicker than the single ply of cardstock).
Yeah the assistant didn't charge in the end for the stock, but unfortunately I had to pay for the printing, so there was a little give, but soooooo frustrating!

I really gets you mad when something so simple goes wrong, but hey-ho.

They have told me I can supply my own stock for future work, so I have found some on Amazon to have a look at, fingers crossed all will be well :hammerhead:
I think every one of us has made this experience at least one time in his / her life. I once ordered some sheets of pre-scored/-cut business cards. They were a bit thicker than my usual paper and did not went through my printer correctly. Everything was misaligned and all prints could be discarded. Since the sheets were pre-cut I could not use them for laminating either, the marks would have made the parts unstable. Ah well. You live and learn. :)
I think every one of us has made this experience at least one time in his / her life. I once ordered some sheets of pre-scored/-cut business cards. They were a bit thicker than my usual paper and did not went through my printer correctly. Everything was misaligned and all prints could be discarded. Since the sheets were pre-cut I could not use them for laminating either, the marks would have made the parts unstable. Ah well. You live and learn. :)
All too frustrating, when things don't work out...but we all survive to live another day, just paper in the end ;)
This is a nice kit. Thanks for sharing it!

I love the detail and clever use of cards tock to fit the rough, distressed look of Star Wars ships.
If ever there was a beaten Starfighter in the Star wars universe, The Y had to be one...perhaps in the early years of this ship, they may have had panels all over the body, just to be stripped away to match the speed of Imperials, thanks for watching THE DC: