Working Rubik Cube made from paper!

I've peeled the stickers off of these things and put them back on making them impossible to line up. Revenge! :)
What is more difficult: Solving the cube the traditional way OR solving the cube while sitting in front of a mirror and looking at the reflection only? ;)
I'm dyslectic, so it looks the same. ;)
That wouldn't last long with me either.

You could always see the 'cheat cubes' with the stickers replaced, by the picked up corners of the stickers.

We also used to force the whole cube apart and lubricate all the internal parts with petroleum jelly.
Loose and sloppy; it made it easier to manipulate..... ;)

The Rubk's cubes I "altered" had quite a bit of use. It was funny to see the former user not know why they could not solve them. Dam show offs!! The stickers being so beat up, and careful and judicious use of a single edged shaving razor, made for a clean removal. :smoker::drinksmile::hide: