Wonderful special buildings


New Member
Jan 30, 2004
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Brand new to this site. But, I recognized "fifer's" name and posting. We share in an "N"-gauge moderation group through eBay, i.e., "Transactual". I have many buildings handcrafted by Karen. She is an extraordinary producer of great "N"-gauge buildings. On my layout, she is Mayor of "Ruschville". My advise - always watch her auctions and try to get one or more of her buildings. -- Johnniejack
Welcome to the Gauge. :wave: I'm sure we'd like to see some pics of those buildings. Post some when you can, this forum thrives on pictures, more than any other that I know of.:thumb: :thumb:
Appreciate the welcome

Appreciate the welcome from all. I wondered if I had navigated this new site properly.

I am a work-in-progress on a freelance layout, the Great Wyoming, Yahoo Valley & Northern Railroad. My website is;
http://www.howard-supply.com/trains/Trains.htm . Please take a look.

Hey, EZdays --In the website are 3 pictures of some of the buildings I mentioned as done by "minideco". Karen does a fantastic job as said also by others of you. I have virtually everything she has crafted and you'll see I devoted a section on my website to a place I named "Ruschville" for Karen Rusch. She truly does good work and it fits in very nicely.

The best continued luck to each of you. C U L -- "johnniejack"

Your the great Transactual? I bow before your greatness! Many a time have I watched yor auctions and looked around, only bought stuff twice, but I must say you are one of the people who do a great thing for this hobby, keeping it available for everyone regardless of income.

My uncle bought some stuff from you after I recommended he do an advanced search for your auction, he doesn't make much, but his girl really wanted to try model railroading. I think he bought up about 100 dollars of your stuff, and 100 dollars from your auction buys alot. She is only 8, but takes great care of what she has, and has even learned how to perform proper switching after reading a Kalmbach book on basic model railoading. My hat is off to you, for you have made my cousin extremly happy!


TO: eatst14 -- Ed, I must correct my error and tell you that I'm not Transactual. I reread my mesage and it does appear I am him. But, I'm not.

However, I admire Dave Alexander tremendously and the great work he does. He is the guru of an ebAY Moderation Group I belong to also. Does a great deal of fine work pulling this groups together. If I may suggect, since you wrote such wonderful words of praise about Transactual, why not re-send them to him directly, as you stated them in this thread.

You can reach him through eBay - search "transactual" Right now, he's listing over 14,500 positive feedbacks. You can also give him my best - I'm "johnniejack".
FOR: Fifer

Hi Mike -- thanks for the kind words and tie-in to the eBay Group. I took time to peruse your "about Me" page and all that's there. I am impressed with your modeling energy and especially with the switch to "N" scale. Your new plan looks very neat and especially the Helix operation. I enjoy your thoughtful comments in the eBay group, too!

I'm not sure how you do buildings, or how intensive you get, but I found a great source (eBay item bidding): "ALittleDecor", a.k.a. Karen. Search for "trackside_depot" for "N"-scale buildings She does dollhouse items as well. Quite proficent. Perhaps Robin would like to make contact to see if there is any commonality in their doll house work. Looks like your wife has her own good hobby going - nice dolls and dollhouse. Try "minideco@ticon.net" Tell her hello from Jack in Wyoming. We do exchange ideas about layout things from time to time.

Gotta run. See you later on either group. -- "johnniejack"