WIP - Admiral Nakhimov - scale 1:200 from Dom Bumagi


Jun 19, 2020
Hi all paper modelers

One of the ship models I'm working on last months is a Dom Bumagi paper kit of the Russian protected cruiser Admiral Nakhimov launched in 1885 and sunk during th Battle of Tsushima on 28 May 1905

More information on this ship at wikipedia page : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cruiser_Admiral_Nakhimov_(1885)

The kit shows the Admiral Nakhimov after her last refit, in 1903, without sails and masts and in black colored superstructures.

The Dom Bumagi kit is excellently drawn and the mounting and assembly schema is really at high level (also for anyone would build this model in traditional way) with a lot of particulars and different point of views.

For this model, I have decided to show also the battery bridge, in the parts where the 152 mm guns where positioned.
Obviously that, once closed completely the hull, only a few parts of each gun and the bridge will be visible. But I know that, inside, there is much more than appears and I'm happy in this way :)

Here are some pics of the building and the actual status of the model.
In the next weeks I'll continue the building and I'll update this thread wit new pics and informatons

Have a nice paper-modeling time and stay safe !!


The cover of the Dom Bumagi kit of Admiral Nakhimov (A3 format)

Building the frames of the upper part of the hull with battery deck

One of the 10 x 152 mm guns for battery deck

Positioning 152 mm guns on battery deck


Hull completed with all guns in place and main bridge glued on top


That model iis incredibly strong and will last a very long time. It's also quite beautiful! :)
Good morning to all paper modelers !!

The building of Admiral Nakhimov model is going on, constantly but a bit slower than planned (fortunately the job activities are going on in a good way, also in this pandemic moment and there is not so much spare time available for the model like in the past months..)

Anyway.. one of the parts that I was afraid of this model was the stern area with admiral's walk and railings around.. In the kit the railings are designed as a continuing paper stripe.. but I absolutely prefer to build by myself this parts avoiding also (whenever is possible) photo-etched parts

And so, I have re-designed the rail of admiral' walk in order to built it completely by paper.. The task has been done and I'm enough satisfied from result.

Now to complete this part of the ship remains only to put the Imperial Eagle ensign on the rail, put laterally the two Hotchkiss revolving guns and position the windows covers in opened position.

After this I'll start to build the very complicate superstructure of the ship.

Anyway...here few pics of the model at the actual stage ..

Have an happy paper modeling and stay safe !!




That hull came out great!! The stern detailing is fantastic, what a place to hang out on!! :)
Hello and good morning to all paper-modelers worldwide !!

In last weeks I made very few steps on the Admiral Nakhimov model, due the fact of a lot of work to do for my job activities (thanks to God... the work hasn't been decreased during the pandemic period).

So, because a very few spare time, I went just a bit forward on this ship model.. I have added the single, large funnel, some vent pipes, some hatches, the aft crane for the anchor and the two broadside turrets for 254 mm guns.

Looking at many pics of the original Nakhimov, I have found that quite in all pics the lateral walls of the turrets are in different colors respect to the turret's roofs and the rest of the superstructures.. so they were white when the hull was black and black when the rest of the ship was painted in white....

The next steps on this model will be the most challenging and complicated I ever made on a paper model.. All the central superstructure of the ship, surrounding the large funnel is positioned on a large number of pillars and aerial mountings, that brings the flying deck on top and, on this, there will be positioned the conning tower, the chart house and the binnacle and signal posts that will have their own aerial superstructure..

So, I think it will be a real challenge

Anyway... here below are some pics of the actual status of the Nakhimov model

Have an happy paper-modeling and .. stay safe !!








Excellent craftsmanship!! I like the gentle tumblehome on the center topsides of the hull, not over done, like the ugly French ships of that period. ;)
Fantastic! The bottom half looks like it was gloss-coated. Great work! :)
Hello to all paper modelers !!

I last days I have found a bit more spare time from job that I've used to make some progress on Admiral Nakhimov model.

So, I have glued the flying bridge, built and positioned the fore and rear guns' towers (I made them both rotating), and started to build the upper structures components that are positioned over the flying bridge (like the wheel house, the chart house, the upper conning tower and the two posts for binnacles and compasses)

I have also build the after mast, but is not yet completed (are missing the shielded machine guns and the searchlights) and I positioned this mast on the model just to have a preview of the general effect...

By the way... the pics that are following are not up-to-date, because in very last days I have added some other particulars like railings and some secondary guns on the flying bridge... but I have not yet took pics of the very actual status of the model.

Anyway... here some pics of the model.
Please, take into count that the inclination of the "wings" of the flying bridge are too much downward... usually in real ship the inclination was more lighter... from 3 to 5 degrees. In the future pics you'll see that I have corrected this mistake.

Have a nice paper-modeling and .. stay safe !!





