Warhammer 40K

The last few months have been hell for me in the creative dept. so many starts that failed, so many attempts without success. but I refuse to be beaten. my next attempt, even though still printed in my usual 4 pages per sheet shrinking scale, is still going to be a larger model. hopefully that does the thing. with the amount of pages this one has, its looking to be larger than the Marauder Bomber, and still has some small pieces to test my increasing recovery of my hand. 10 pages of instruction, and 27 pages of parts..........I WILL beat this.

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Holy Crap!! That is a lot of pages and a lot of cutting!! Anyone else, I'd have my doubts, but for you, I just wait and know I will see it done. :)
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Initially, I didnt realize that this model had interior details, but thats ok. I am not working at my usual speed, Im actually forcing myself to take my time, and do only a few parts each sitting, so progress is slow. after 3 days, i only have the shell of the front lower section, and interior details on half of one side. but I can live with that. Better slow than Fail, yanno

still here, and making progress. If you look close, you can see a patch piece i had to fab for the gap between the upper and lower deck. Progress is slow but steady.

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Amazing! It's looking fantastic! Tell me, what strategies do you employ to keep your "time per sitting" in check? (Given the chance I could build the whole day, with very heavy family consequences... :arghh::arghh:)
I play a single Daft Punk CD....when the CD is done, quit for the day.......at the time, that's about the most my hand can take before cramping and shaking.

so usually about an hour to 90 minutes
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That interior is freakin' awesome!! I think that's the first I have seen on one of these. Outstanding job too, perfect, squared up, you haven't lost your touch. :)
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Glad to see that you are strong enough to push through each day with success. I enjoy watching your builds. It gives me hope that I, too, could accomplish a work of art such as yours. Your attention to detail is amazing and the flawlessness of the model is astounding. I watch as you continue, and am impressed that you continue through the limitations you have been dealt with such success. After all, "Pain is weakness leaving the body". I forget who said that, but sometimes it seems appropriate. Hang in there, Buddy. You are doing great. And know that you have a lot of folks rooting for you and your recovery. And many fans of your work.
Again, a great job so far, and I can't wait to see it finished.
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Working on the main body core piece, and I reinforced it like a brick. Strong core means everything else has something sturdy to mount to. (My advice to anyone building this, no matter the scale) Reinforce the hell out of this square piece, I used my triangle girder tactic and it works like a charm.

Rick, you've out done yourself with this one. I think this is one of the best Warhammer models I've yet seen. Excellent!! :)
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This is brilliant. I love the small scale work you have done to date with the other models.

I'm currently building the full scale version of this one. I have nearly finished the nose section (complete with magnetized doors).

Tell me how did you manage to fit the roof detail around the support beams in the cargo bay? I used fairly thick card on mine which negated the need for much support here, so I removed them entirely.

But it doesn't seem to match up and made me wonder if I was missing anything.

Good tip on the center section support. I will be sure to use that.
Cheers, Beaker (long time reader first time poster :))