USS Magnificent - a new model by David Lukens


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Great design sometimes requires some space, and this (fictious) real space model eats up a little: 160 MB!

However, this is what you get:


A what-if NASA space cruiser. Made by David Lukens in the same quality as his IXS Enterprise and superb Narcissus.

This is the place to go:

Have fun and enjoy! :)
Excelent model, the fuel to power such a ship does not exist and is science fiction. Gravity would have to simulated, a rotating ring would be the only way to go, which also gives "rigidity in space". A good thing, especially sitting at various Lagrangian points .

I personally believe that America (U.S.A.) should make a permanent spaceship with a gravitational spinning ring, that is interplanetary (eventually) as so much ice has been found in the inner asteroid belt, we have the fuel to power the ship with the newly developed throttle-able, start and stop Saturn 5 engines. This would work fantastically till a newer form of engine can be developed, probably something plasma based. Fly to Mars, drop people off, make sure everything is fine, then come back. Armed with the capability of sending the occasional asteroid on a new trajectory, if such a situation come up. We have the way, knowledge, and chutzpah to do it.

I say the "U.S.A." because if any other country wishes to build one, then let them do so. We pay an incredible amount of our G.D.P. trying to hold the world together while a lot of other countries get to live a higher standard of living because they do not spend on the defense of their respective countries. The end result is immigrants like Elon Musk coming to the U.S.A. to do what he could not do anywhere else. He does what whole governments cannot do, and he is only one of many.

Just to clarify, I wrote, "Anny other country wishing to build their own should do so, but not with our money or technology. IMHO. :)
David Lukens does make excelent models. He is a great contributor to the Sci-Fi genre of this hobby. I wish he would join here just to communicate with him. ;)
Hah!! Learn something new every day!! Thanks!!!! :)