'Using Rhinoceros' Discussion Thread

this problem might have 2 solutions. First, try to unroll a surface with a cut-in whole instead one with only lines on it. That way the lines stay where they are. Or second, in Rhino you should make it a common practice to rebuild curves, especially projected ones. Most curves can be described by 4 to 5 anchor points whilst projecting produces weird things. 'Rebuild' can be found under 'Curve tools'. Hope this helps
Hi Willja67,

Im not good at Rhinoceros but I use Rhinoceros to unfold my model. My answer will be a stupid answer but it is my 2 cent idea :) I have same problem like you before. some of project line inside my mesh can not unfold correctly, i correct it in 2D part what I unfold it :p about error in unfold part when part have a project line, i see some line make unrollsrf error, try to find that line and do not unfold it with that line, hope this will help
Thanks for the replies. Tim what you said seems almost counterintuitive to what I was thinking. I'll use the upper surface of the my wing as an example. To get the shape I lofted from an airfoil at either end and then trimmed the excess off and after that I trimmed the flaps and ailerons off as well and I was wondering if trimming so many times might start giving rhino a headache when it goes to unroll it?
Nope, should be fine!

http://www.kipperboxes.co.uk/rhino_tutorials/trimmed wing.3dm

In fact a simple shape, product of a loft between two sections, THEN trimmed as you require, is a far more reliable method of getting a complex shape than trying to build it up from seperate little scraps. Remember you can split the loft with open or closed surfaces, provided they pass completely through your main surface. Or you can use curves projected onto the surface. Again, they must completely separate the part you want removing; you cannot have a curve stopping half way across a surface. Obvious really; it wouldn't work if it was paper and scissors either!

Or, select a view that looks straight at the unrolled surfaces; usually this will be a TOP view, unless you have rotated any of the unrolled surfaces. Select them, the 'Export Selected...' from the file menu. I do all my colouring in Coreldraw, and the best format for vectors is .ai (Adobe Illustrator) but Steve is correct about wmf for PSP. My version of PSP (v8) doesn't recognise the ai file generated by Rhino v4, but later versions might.

Any other bitmap users with more experience on this aspect care to chip in? I use vectors almost exclusively, so this is the limit of my knowledge on the subject!

Golden Bear said:
Yes, the .wmf works for me but the .ai does not. I cannot understand quite the settings required to get the size to transfer correctly. I'm going to draw a reference bar in Rhino of known rectilinear dimensions so I can rescale in PSP. This just seems cheese-like to me.

Yes, it is my only real complaint with Rhino. I have a standard rectangle 254 x 190.5 which as millimeters is 10x7 inches to represent the bounds of a page. everything must be within the box. select this single view, the click the "Zoom extents" button. "Save AS..." and select WMF. Now the trial end error part. You will get the dialog box asking for image size and resolution to save the image. I have not been able to figure out how to calculate the correct values, but with some trials I can eventually get the rectangle to import into PSP as 3000 x 2250 pixels (10x7" at 300 dpi).
I rotate pieces with Ortho on to get the View I need if the main Bitmap is in a Viewport other than were I need it. I usually have the Bitmap in the Top View, then Copy the piece I wish to play with, then Rotate it with Ortho on if I am going to use it to Cut or Trim another surface. I am not that good with Rhino (or anything else for that matter) so if them seems dumb, please ignore.
Now you see why I stick to vector data!! My simple brain can handle millimeters only, so if I make a line 12 mm long, and make sure the ai file is in millimeters, and that 1 mm in the model is represented by 1 mm in the ai file (it doesn't have to, so you can build things in 'real' dimensions, and then output the ai file to scale; actually very useful!), then importing the ai file into coreldraw gives me a line that is still 12 mm long. Pixel images (bitmaps) are essentially dimensionless, so if you have a size requirement both the printing scale and the pixel size of the image are important. And someone else is going to have to pick up the baton at this point!

This doesn't help at all, does it??!! Sorry. Are you using version 3 or 4? I just looked at the v4 export dialogue, and it looks to have very comprehensive controls over how the final image is exported. However the image produced seems to be anti-aliased badly, so I will look into this further.

Anti-aliasing is not that bad a problem as long as the resolution is high enough. I think Photoshop would handle small differences in colour quite well... (PS I'm not a bitmap person and I know this might be nonsense)
Golden Bear said:
Well, I'm using PSP so the .ai doesn't work. I drew a box 1" long by .5" high on the same plane with the flat parts. Then I did the .wmf and picked 1:1 which made the thing hugish. I made the paper size huge too and sent it off. It showed up but a little out of scale. I measured the box and did the math to resize the image. It seems OK. It still seems cheesey to me. Rhino (4) should be able to export directly to something 2D - tif, gif, jpg, PSP, anything of some sophistication better than .wmf. .ai would be nice if it worked.


Actually, WMF is a reasonably sophisticated vector format. Its just that Rhino doesn't use it fully; it only outputs "LineTo" style vectors for everything so arcs turn into a million tiny vectors rather than using the "Arc" vector. I also find it frustrating that it doesn't use "rectangle" or "circle" either for those shapes.
Um... Rhino is actually a quite powerful industrial CAD tool, the free version only allows you to save 25 times. And the full version is quite a price of >$900. I think there's a student price of $200 approx so that might be affordable... But if you become proficient at it, it becomes much more useful than the Meta/Pepakura combination. Basically, if you are new to 3D design then try playing with the free version before you buy.
Where exactly can I find the Rhino 'articles' as described?
Thanks heaps if you can point the way.

Newbie Rookie on board

Hello, guys!

I´m new here :mrgreen:
So, completly lost within the forum´s interface...wall1

Please, where can I find out the Tim´s tutorials, please? Could somebody kindly help me? I thank in advance.

Congratulations for your nice tutorial, Tim! I read one chapter in a PDF file, and it helped me a lot to initiate on Rhino secrets (well, I am a Rhino newbie too!wall1 More yet, a 3D rookie!wall1) But, reading your first step I got a jump to 3D world. So, I would like very much to follow the next chapters of your SU tutorial. Where can I find it, please?

To everybody: forgive my fenglish - I am also new on your language!wall1

Hello from Brasil and best regards to all!:wave:

I just can’t resist to be amaze with a writer who are truly exceptional for they articles that are really interesting to a blogger like me. I will not spend time reading an article when the topic is not important or has no the significant. You did a good job for always providing relevant and meaningful article.

Dear all,
I have created few scripts for Rhinoceros (using RhinoScript) - to help creating papermodels. One group is focusing on numbering and second one is designed to help people with glueing tabs.

I have recorded two videos which describing both:
Numbering - YouTube
Glueing Tabs - YouTube

Scripts are only in Slovak - I will rewrite them also to English and post here link to download. I am using Rhinoceros ver4 EDU (with all up to date updates :) ).
how to select and edit one objects in rhino

hey guys being as i cant fix my meta yet was trying this so i put in a model i was working on and i cant figure out how to select one object and work on it and let the others disappear, but not deleye them jus so i can see one object at a time like meta used to is there a function for this in rhino?

thanks for your help