Use of sheet plastic a card alternative?


New Member
Jul 25, 2012
Seattle, Washington USA
I may have missed this in a previous post, but has anyone substituted sheet plastic for card stock in the construction of a "card model"? I've always been impressed at the ability of many modelers to get the most from card stock, and I'm a long-time card modeller myself, but it seems to me that plastic sheet offers some advantages in certain uses over card stock. For example, I like to model WW1 biplanes in relatively large scales (1:33/1:32). When I construct wings, I like to emboss them (from the reverse) to create a visible rib structure when finished. I've tried this on samples of thin plastic sheet and felt that the effect was more definite and sharp while maintaining more structural strength than thin card of equal thickness. I also prefer to transfer the paper patterns to blank card in order to be able to paint the model. I guess I'm not such a "purist" after all!

In any event, I'd like to know if anyone in this forum has used plastic sheet as a substitute for card stock and the results of their work.

I have substituted PVC card stock, you use the same glue used for white pipe plumbing. I have also used the aluminum used for flashing when making a roof. You can use anything you can work with. Just remember wat your going for, a model that you want to build. If your building just to see if it can be done in something other than paper, then you're wasting your time.

I know people who have made works of arts using plastic, steel, plaster and a whole bunch of other stuff. It depends what you trying to do. ;)
On the cheap, I've used "No Trespassing" signs I bought at a dollar store. I'm not sure if it's polystyrene, but it's inexpensive and works fairly well.
We like making models. That is what we like and do. Made mostly of paper, but other mediums are fine when they lead us down that road to perfection.