UHU02 Lunar Module

I'm stun !

Another wonderful model to build. Cursed, I'm really in lack of time.

Two thumbs up...........NO..............millions of thumbs up for UHU02 ! Lets go....make the waves
@Gixergs THANK YOU VERY MUCH for bringing us updates on UHU02's WONDERFUL WORK!!!

So he has already started the test build!!!
Folding landing gear, WOW!!!
This is going to be another EPIC BUILD!!!

@uhu02 THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all of the hard work, energy, and effort that you put into each and everyone of these models!!!
I think this is more a proof of concept for he landing gear rather than the start of a test build.
OK- yeah . . . . my first thought was "Wait . . . .wh- what the f**k?" IT took a second for it to register that the landing leg was ACTUALLY folding. Still not sure how he did it.
Sorry I've fallen behind with this a bit as my wife has been in hospital and I've been on visiting duties and now she's back and I'm on nursing and being nagged duties.
Sooooooo what's been happening? a lot or more accurately A LOT!!.
UHU02 has started the build and already it's amazing. Had to cherry pick some pictures as I'm sure I will be called away soon. Prepare to go Gosh! or something like that.
@Gixergs I am sorry to hear that your wife was in the hospital. I hope that it was nothing too serious. I hope that she will make a strong and quick recovery.

As for the thread, The photos of the build look SPECTACULAR!!!
I hope your wife recovers soon. Our prayers are with you. Take care of yourself too! You are much appreciated here! :)
Thank you both. She had to have her gallbladder out but for her any operation that involves anaesthetic can be very dangerous due to a condition she has. It also makes recovery take a lot longer. She is doing very well though thank you. UHU02's building skills are every bit as good as his designing skills, just amazing.
Thanks on the update on your beloved. Anesthesia is always dangerous and many conditions can exacerbate it.

If he makes the parts for the landing gear to fold, it makes me wonder if the capsule (the other half, service module?) are next. That would be one heckuva model! :)
Hopefully there will be a Western alternative to the netting used in this, I can see lots of uses for something like this. The effect is just amazing


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UHU-02 is an extraordinary artist. This is coming together very well. (I wonder if we could persuade him to tackle a TITAN: Atlas, from Titanfall.) Nah, I'm not that lucky! LOL :) Whatever he does is awesome.
I know why NASA is unable to launch another Moon mission: UHU02 has hidden all construction and flight plans in his library - and doesn't tell the password! :D:D:D

(And neither do we! ;))
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@Gixergs For the netting, you can go to any hard wear store and get the screen material for screen doors (which should be the right size), paint it white and you have the netting that you need for this project.