Tokyo Tower by uhu02

Great job, I admire your ability to handle that tower. I do not know if I could do something like that, not because of the difficulty of the model, if every model has its difficulties, but because I tend to saturate if the construction is stretched.:(
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Great job, I admire your ability to handle that tower. I do not know if I could do something like that, not because of the difficulty of the model, if every model has its difficulties, but because I tend to saturate if the construction is stretched.:(
There is it in a nutshell.
Lots of models have elements of repetition that suck the life right out of you. Be it tank tracks, rivets detail e.t.c and the prospect of taking on those jobs is quite off putting.
This model is one big repetition. It's a heroic effort. Perhaps it's a form of meditation?
Whatever it is, the persistence is to be applauded! Claphands
It's also probably costing a small fortune in blades....
thanks Dagger. it is mind numbing ( and hand numbing) but i just keep cutting . i try to do a little every few days to not get burnt out on it.
Papa.. meditation ??? more like self for blades..21 so far..and 1 full snap off stick. this is going to be one of those models i can sit and say "i did it and i didn't crush it.."
it's tough i will admit, but its a fun tough..and yes, i'm a glutton for punishment...
oh, and the inside of the upper tower has 540 triangles to be cut out..ohhh my eyes..
Oh the humanity!!.......................:)
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ok...... more done...... my hands and eyes hurt.....but hey, thats half the fun..right??
so, i started cutting the smaller tower. very slow going..20190618_093702.jpg 20190618_093751.jpg i got 2 sections done ....and i thought, "um, i better prefold BEFORE i get any further "..
this part is NOT very forgiving as the lower half was..had a lot of cut through on the thin sections.20190621_161227.jpg 20190623_115409.jpg all cut out.. and what a pile i have.. any one need any triangles??
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starting to glue it into a square, or as square as i can get it..20190623_124455.jpg
next came the stairs.. more stairs..20190623_124455.jpg 20190623_134459.jpg and then the railing
anyone want to have a race running up and down???..thats done for now.. got the upper tower to cut out..BUT, i think i'm going to take a break from "triangles" and work on the base.. this way hands and fingers get a little break... haha, yea right
thanks for looking...
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Oh, that's fabulous, incredible, you should change the name and call it the tower of the 10,000 cuts! Really an extraordinary job, it will be good to rest your fingers and eyes.:)
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Every hole cut looks perfect. Excellent workmanship! :)
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now back to the "fun stuff... i have 5 more sections to cut out triangles. 4 not too bad, 1 that if gonna hurt
not going to be bad with these..only "70" tri's per side.. piece of cake.. um, yea..right:)
and then, after those
20190630_124921.jpg 20190630_124950.jpg 20190630_124942.jpg this little gem...... 168 per side, prefolded so i don't forget..
oh, my fingers
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Wow, how many triangles! You are becoming the king of the cuts! We encourage you from here, you are doing something magnificent and after finishing you can inflate your chest and show off.
Wow, how many triangles! You are becoming the king of the cuts! We encourage you from here, you are doing something magnificent and after finishing you can inflate your chest and show off.
thanks Dagger. i know i will not be banging on my chest with my poor hands:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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I would buy a big bottle of SuperGlue (Cazy Glue) and dip, or brush all those trellis pieces with it. The paper will absorb it, and plasticize the paper, making it very firm and resistant to moisture. I built a Mercury Capsule and the escape rocket had a similar structure. It took about 6 months, though I doubled it up, and it was much much shorter than what you have built, maybe 6" long, and it folded over one day. It's the nature of paper. ;)
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I would buy a big bottle of SuperGlue (Cazy Glue) and dip, or brush all those trellis pieces with it. The paper will absorb it, and plasticize the paper, making it very firm and resistant to moisture. I built a Mercury Capsule and the escape rocket had a similar structure. It took about 6 months, though I doubled it up, and it was much much shorter than what you have built, maybe 6" long, and it folded over one day. It's the nature of paper. ;)
im thinking of giving it a shot of clear spray paint to seal n firm it up, or st least try to. got to watch what i use due to the wifes breathing problems
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