Tie Bomber design and building thread

Its time to start the alpha build. And the first parts to be build is the wing.
Below the four pages to build one wing no colours no detailing.

bomber inside wing_03.JPGbomber inside wing_04.JPGtest wing_01.JPGtest wing_02.JPG
Still a lot of pages for one wing without any details.
I think that for the complete bomber I need up to 20 pages.

So let the cutting begin.
Do you bend these, then laminate? Or laminate them, then bend them? these look great.
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Do you bend these, then laminate? Or laminate them, then bend them? these look great.
I will try something new. First laminating and then bending. Other tie wings such as the interceptor and the advanced X1 I first bend the wings and then laminated it toghetter. I didn't like the way they looked. So I hope the new way looks better.
The wing is layerd and the solarpanels are glued on it.
Here is the inside of the wing.
And this is the outside. indeed there are two panels missing they will be glued on it at a later time.
Next up is to see if I can still bend the wing. I have precut the bending lines so hopefully I can bend the wing.
And here you have the bended wings. I tought the wing angle is 135 but after checking the studio model I found out it is 145. I have used two sets of metal rullers to bend the wings. After bending, the wings keeps the correct angle. I hope it will remain its shape during a couple of days.
Next up are the wing supports. Till next update.
Really great looking panels. They're thin, but look very detailed, straight and most of all, they look right! :)
Thank you both, You are right Zahtros they are thin indeed. Luckely this is the alpha build so I can add as many layers to the wing as I please. I used two base layers and two solar base panels. Then I placed them in the bigger bomber wing this one is just three layers think.
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I see some wrinkling at the bends. This is why I prefer bending the parts before laminating them. Aside from that it looks really good! I'm checking the angles on the mpc TIE, stand by, please.
I see something about 143.5°. This small deviation might be caused by the demoulding process, if you remember, mpc plastic was not known for rigidity; so 145° will do. :)
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