Tie Bomber design and building thread


Tie designer
Staff member
Jul 5, 2020
While waiting on the printing of the Tie Striker template I started a new project.
Its the Tie Bomber. I can use some parts or modifie those from the Tie striker and the Tie advanced.

Batle front_01.jpg

Big diference between the bomber and other Tie's is the interior. I need to make a new one. Also I wanted to make a bomb bay and try to
make a ion engine. So there are a lot of challanges. Keep an eye on this thread

One very imporant note:

The TIE bomber was not based on the regular TIE fighter filming model. ILM took the mpc Darth Vader TIE-X1 model as a base, meaning the studio model was a bit smaller than the others AND (the most important aspect): the detailing is different. So please take a careful look at those two models:

One of the most obvious differences are the wings. They are completely ported over from the mpc with an additional styrene strip on the top and the bottom. So even the clamp on the side is different.
Today I worked on the wings the outside is the same as from the Tie Advanced.
So I will show you the inside this far.
bomber inside wing_01.JPG
And this is the studio model.
bomber inside wing_02.JPG
I have to work out all the small details. The wing support will give me lots of fun.
And yes I will install the red LED and they will work.

Till next time.
No problem I have found a lot of model builders that have re-build the original studio model. And I love the star destroyer.
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I don't know if you have seen these:

This is a complete list of parts used on the studio model complete with accurate orthos:

It looks like the plastic sheet extensions around the mpc Vader TIE wings were glued to them on the inside facing the cockpit and weapon tube, so the shape of the original wings is still visible on the finished model.
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Nice project. You have really got a good handle on it. ;)
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Thanks all.

@The part list is the one I used for reference. Some parts I can re use by rescaling the size. So its much easier and quicker to design the wings and the detailed parts. And indeed the advanced wing are glued into the bomber wing extens. Thanks for the other links one of them is showing the bomb release bay.
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