Thoroughbreed's Scratchbuild Challenge


Aug 4, 2006
South Eastern AL
I am attempting to build a section of trestle and bridge that cross the Chattahoochee river in Columbus, GA. This section has been there I believe since early 1900's. It serves the Alabama state docks and brickyard. The trestle begins in Columbus approximately 200 ft before reaching the river. There is a 2 way crossunder for road traffic beneath a section of it. There is also a section of it that crosses another track on the GA side.
I will get some pics of it this coming week, and start on it.
Heres some pics of the original.
From the land side

Those are steel trestle

the sections that span the water. The original piers are encased in concrete about 2/3rds of the way up. The changes in sections change at the first 3 bridge sections, from a deck, a girder and then onto the spans. The abuttments also change on the land section of it.


I have more pics of the changes in the abuttments, and will submit them with the finished project.:thumb:
The buildings surrounding this are an old iron works that has been transformed into a convention center. They cast cannons during the civil war, and then went on to make manhole covers. Theres a complete forge inside the historic section and 2 gantry cranes in the main halls of the building.
Heres a link to the history of the iron works:
I will prob leave these out as they have been recently added onto. Its hard to tell where the original buildings end and the new sections begin.:thumb: