This is now a Reckoning: UHU and ZEALOT Bashing by

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Do whatever makes you feel best, your peace of mind is far more important than what a few minions say, and that means staying if you decide to also. If they boot you out for speaking what you feel is right, then think how many people there should be leaving there. It's definitely their loss, either way, they have alienated a gifted and generous designer.. I can't say anyone I ever booted out of here from there was a loss.
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Thank you, and maybe people are a little bit wiser now. When accusations fly of lies and threats, perhaps they will look a little bit deeper than what they were told.
When false accusations fly of lies and threats
Soon follow the words of alligator's tears and regrets
Repeated far to often,
They are light and hollow,
Risen from their grave
Heard by the lickspittle,
Known to all as Airknave, the little.
When false accusations fly of lies and threats
Soon follow the words of alligator's tears and regrets
Repeated far to often,
They are light and hollow,
Risen from their grave
Heard by the lickspittle,
Known to all as Airknave, the little.

to frackin funny Z
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well air dave had another meltdown this time claiming me one of the ''THEM'' that is ruining his life, here is his pm to me.

Jim, I have known you for a long time.
You came to me for help many times and i gave it, no questions asked.
We helped you out at ecardmodels whenever you needed it.
Nobody here has ever said anything bad to you,
or treated you unfairly.
I have never treated you unfairly.
For you to side with zathros and say the things you have said (about me and this forum) is wrong.
Zathros is a liar...if you can't see that, then maybe you are better off there.
Consider yourself removed from my friends list.

Notice the ''we don't do that here'' theme in the entire belittling narcissistic message to me. of course you Zathros, remember when my profile there was ruined and you and Chris fixed that, also numerous remarks by Thokamos and mechanic about how I am a no talent idiot. texman made sure I had a smear on my record there, about my complaint about a joke he twisted into a threat to the forum, as he did thru rickstef with my recent advice to pull down his little cover-up speech about ''how we don't do that here'' and then after being scolded went and checked and said he was wrong. a few others that actually backed up their ugly remarks with a great rockyjones rocket to replace my simple 3 inch tall one.
Geeze, what a favor! Imagine being on his friends list. That would probably get you flagged from national and international flights. He's so close to being banned there, it's only that he's Rickstef's lickspittle that saves him, and that he has his nose up his ass.

Airdave is ruining his own life, he must be off his meds again, and I am saying that with foreknowledge, as he himself has stated to me he his mental instability. That was during the 3 years he called me a "friend". I felt sorry for him. Not anymore. He has accused me of threatening to kill people. The last time I beat the snot out of someone, he was a wanted felon, and is presently doing a 10 year term. I have been Thanked by the Police for his capture. I have friends in Homeland Security. He has no idea of who I am and what I have done. No one of these forums do. That goes for most members of both forums. Saying I have threatened to kill people,? Why "Airdave", I wouldn't hurt a fly. :)

I see it fit to disclose I have expunged every member of this forum who posted nasty remarks over there, or negative remarks. If you can still post here, you were just speaking your mind, not hating, or making unsubstantiated posts. It was around 12 people, I don't remember, they know though. If you are going to hate on this forum so badly, and put down one of the most talented designers, or any member of this forum for that matter, for no reason, you're gone. Why would I take the chance and give access to our forum for people like that? It would be irresponsible. Unlike Rickstef, who cannot show any reason for Banning me, I have good reason. Ricstef posted on another forum, and a friend sent me the screen grab, that he just got tired of me. Great way to run a forum Dickstef , no contact, no warning, no reason, ironically after telling them to not openly share UHU's work, which they promoted, and after UHU, making his one and only post at prince.gif , which Rickstef deleted with the whole thread.

So TEXMAN, seems like you got your spurs on backwards and are facing the ass of the horse, no way to ride, didn't Mama teach you better? That's why you have no privy to information as to why I was Banned, there is none!!

Like I said, they started it, I will finish it, and the dish will be very very cold before I am done. It is my intention in fact to flame it up again. They can keep their vermin, kings or not, and the rest or their lickspittle spittoon drinkers, and have all the smoke they are used to being blown up their collective asses. For the record Rickstef, there is not one person of my staff that has any modicum (look it up) of respect for you, or considers you a friend, or even an associate, in fact, they despise you. You single handily are the biggest, figuratively and literally, plus your lickspittle Airdave, detriment to that forum called prince.gif . Too bad Jason can't see that. That is another Bold Face Lie of yours.

Now Airdave is privately attacking a member of both forums. I don't care if you belong to prince.gif , that's your business, but if they are going to drive you out with nasty Private Messages, then I will continue to degrade them. In fact, until Rickstef and Airdave are gone, this thread will stay open. It's now a Sticky.

Let loose the dogs of war.

Post something about their "untruths", if you wish to, be soft spoken, that they have posted wrongly about ZEALOT, and the ill will they have formed, see what happens. I advise that you don't, however, you are men/women. I cannot tell you what to do, but there will be consequences for your openness.

How many of the members of that forum are so damned sicked of this same old thing.

You sold the forum Rickstef, (Yes, Rickstef sold Zealot to Sanjay, then tried to steal the members!!) you shouldn't have, but you did, and what you did afterwards was ignoble (look it up, I know your vocabulary is limited). That is the source of your hated, your own self loathing. Like you told me once, in a P.M., which I forwarded to Jason, "For all I do around here, all I get from Jason is a few card models".

I get the Thanks from Zealot members. You tried to drag me into something that frankly, I didn't give a damned about. You don't know who your friends are. Hint, you don't have many, most are just afraid if they post that they are sick of your way of management, you'll boot them out. Nice base you have there. Now, all line up over there and start sniffing.

Airdave's P.M. is an attack, it divisive, transferring his misdeeds onto someone else, was improper use of the Private Messaging system. If I found anyone using the Private Messaging system in that manner in this forum, I would hear them out, and there had be real good reason, and I cannot think of any, I would boot them out of here real fast. I had to do that to someone 4 years ago, when it was brought to my attention.
We allow members to EDIT their posts whenever they feel is is necessary. prince.gif does not allow that.

Our sharing nature, and the genuine care we have for each other is something that you have or you don't. prince.gif doesn't have that anymore, well, in all honesty, most there do, it's the small base that's rolls with the hatred It's so sad to see a formerly excellent forum have to post the same false "Can't well all just get along" ever couple of years after they start the conflagration (look it up, Rickstef).

I find this to be a catharsis of sorts. Everything I posted is fact. (disregarding the imagery, that's just imagery:) )

We are founded on a rock.
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So now, a whole thread attacking Spaceagent9. Supposedly, I have special powers over this extremely independent person. This is a man who speaks his mind. I recommend you read this thread, you won't believe the amount of lies and back peddling. Rickstef's incompetence is beyond recovery. Thank God he never procreated, (his own words, "I have no children"). Usually children don't reproduce. Yes, that is an insult, but a blessing too.

Rickstef said that last time there was a problem was 9 years ago, yet this kind of crap comes up every 3 years or so, and Airdave is always involved.

Read for yourself:

Absolutely incredible, and full of lies, again, this time it only took a week!!! Rickstef must recuse himself from Administrating that forum and take AirDave with him. I never asked that thread be removed, not that they would listen to me, I asked that AirDave's post with UHU's passwords be removed. Again BOLD FACED LIES by Rickstef.

I have no control over any member here. That Airdave would post such a thing shows that he is an unstable thing. He probably hears voices, and I don't mean "stream of consciousness" type voices. I am sure he believes I am all powerful.

If I was, things would be so different, if I had a hammer, I'd hammer out the hate there. They are going after Spaceagent9, threatening for speaking the truth. They delete threads, they harass their members, and the proof is obvious now. Every thread that is problematic always has Rickstef and Airdave in it. Why would the administrator of a forum not nip something like that in the bud instead of posting right after the person causing all the problems.

If you two Bozos, Rickstef and Airdave, don't like the way UHU releases his models, completely free, with no passwords, for around 6 weeks, then only requires a passwords after that for his Archive, then don't download them, stop talking about him, be MEN for God's sake and cut out the bullshit and leave the guy alone. What the Hell is wrong with you Rickstef, stop it already, step down, you're an incompetent Administrator, and inconsequential to this hobby and the membership of both forums. You foster hate, let it go on long enough to do damage, and satisfy your self loathing, then hide the threads. That's cowardice, and manipulation.

I don't give a crap what you say about me, I know you're both jerks. Airdave is mentally ill, at least he has an excuse.

Rickstef has said he removes threads from view to "calm the masses", his words, he considers his membership some kind of plebiscite, "the masses". That's a really nice way to refer to the people of a forum you Administrate. So he causes the problems, then hides the evidence. This is why you never see all the problems he has caused. Very convenient.

Since we have no such problems, there is noting to hide from view, unless it is a rule violation, then the member is asked to re-post, and made aware of the violation. 99.99% of the time that's how it works out, no violation, just a simple request. Treat people with respect, and they give you the same respect back. This is the norm in society, not "calming the masses". This is by extension a thread continuing the bashing of Zealot, and myself, which if they just kept it to just bashing me, I would never respond. Hint Hint. Get smart Ricky boy.

Addendum: I never asked for that thread to be removed, but for UHU's password information to be edited out of AirDave's post. AirDave's assertion that they would close a thread on my request is ludicrous, As Rickstef said, he is "calming the masses", which means the masses are sick of this crap he keeps starting. I made that request from here, at Zealot because I have no way of voicing any opinion at that website.
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It came to be while I was sitting on the tomb of the unregistered voter. :mooner:
I thought you meant the porcelain goddess! Oh well... Ain't politics fuuuuunnnnnn! I'm sorry Spaceagent is dealing with the children over on the other site. I personally like Spaceagent's work and think of him as a pretty good guy. Heck I like everybody here.

Ignore the children Z. They can be alone in their own sandbox.

They could be thinkers instead of stinkers.
Doers instead of s....ers.

Enough said.... time to build!

Sky Seeker
I thought you meant the porcelain goddess! Oh well... Ain't politics fuuuuunnnnnn! I'm sorry Spaceagent is dealing with the children over on the other site. I personally like Spaceagent's work and think of him as a pretty good guy. Heck I like everybody here.

Ignore the children Z. They can be alone in their own sandbox.

They could be thinkers instead of stinkers.
Doers instead of s....ers.

Enough said.... time to build!

Sky Seeker

You're the only person who related that comment correctly to the porcelain Goddess. It's a quote from "Firesign Theater". Spaceagent9's models always fit together because of the computer he uses, his mind. ;)
"Tomb of the Unregistered Voter" @ At 17:39. This goes over most people's heads, but it is some funny stuff.

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firesign theatre!!! don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers! was the first album I heard from them back in 1968 [?] they did the best of all star trek skit I have ever heard and some other stuff that was off center. Them and David Frye doing Richard Nixon superstar. lol. Happy Halloween everyone!
We are part of in an ever shrinking part of Dr. Memory "Ah-Clem".

Seems like the Bozos stopped congregating under the Big Blue "B" as of late. :)
Ah, Clem, they are parodies on old radio shoes, with current events. You hear Prez. Nixon's voice as the main computer in the "Future Fair'. "Watch out for the wheels"!! " The future is fun, the future is here, it's already begun, you'll already be there."

**Caution, use of psychotropic drugs while listening to this may cause fractured rubs, and or really bad trips, man.
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Sure got quiet over at prince.gif . Maybe this shut them up for a while.
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Sure got quiet over at View attachment 161216 . Maybe this shut them up for a while.

If they stopped replying coudn't we PLEASE stop talking about this thing too?
Can we PLEASE stop at all with all this talking against "the other forum" from BOTH SIDES? If "they" now are silent why don't we close this thread and STOP this war NOW AND FOREVER?

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