The Price of Freedom


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

The "Price of Freedom" is a imaginary movie poster I made to honor our veterans.

Sorry a little late for veterans day, been a little unexpectly busy at th
e office lately.


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That is a GREAT poster!!!

Thank you very much, Allen!!!

I would also like to say "THANK YOU" to ALL men and women who have served, are serving and will serve in the future!!!
Your service is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
A picture speaks a 1000 words. :)
This would make a great movie, follow a "military" family over a few generations? Start the story at the end of the 19th century and work forward until you get to ww2? (or beyond)
Thanks Allen!

This is a wonderful thing you have done to honor us veterans! I appreciate you taking the time and interest to create such an inspiring work of art.

Best Regards,
Allen is so Patriotic, always on the Mark, so much so, it just pisses me off sometimes!! I had an idea for make it a "Bas-Rlief' type model. The Helmet and gun could be made separate. The each, Ocean front in the background, the Helmet and Rifle next, and the barbed wire, layered on next. It would only be three sheets thick, "The Price of Freedom" would be the base of the free standing "Bas-Relief" type model.

I was going to do it and even started it, but wanted to pass it by you first. I'll try one, and send it to your email, see what you think., if that's O.K.. As this is original Artwork, and you are the Artist. Either way, it would never get by you and me. :)

Remember Alvis, from "Last Exile"? I made a bunch of these, I didn't think anyone would be interested in them. Some of the Playboy Bunnies got my wife really pissed off. They didn't survive.

These have an incredible 3D effect when built that does not translate in pictures. The more you separate the parts, the more the figure "Pops Out' at you. :)
Alvis Cut Out.jpg T1.jpg T2.jpg Alvis.jpg
WHAT?!! playboy bunnies in Last Exile? ……. I don’t recall seeing any playboy bunnies in Last Exile, and I seen it 6x. I’ll go see it again.

Bas relief sound good. The high res image I uploaded in Resource would work.
I'll give it a shot, I'll send you an email when I finished it, for your eyes only. :)