The light at the end of the tunnel

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The pin was dropped by an elderly lady sitting on a bench at the foot of the statue of the Marquis de Lafayette. Just whitling away the time 'till her husband emerges from a tunnel in some unknown location....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the "light" at the end of the "tunnel" is actually a white hole at the other end of a black hole (commonly called a "wormhole" in S.F. literature). The "tunnel" is just empty space surrounding the white hole.
Reading the previous existential and nihilistic rants gives one pause (or paws if one believes in Dog).

If one accepts the tenet, "I think, therefore I am", how does one refute a Zen master, whose goal is "to not think, and therefore to not be"?

As Schrodinger pointed out, "The cat is dead and not dead at the same time." So it may be with the light. If it is powered by AC, then it is "on and not on" at the (apparent) same time.

It's a stretch, but what isn't?
aussie Now we'll get this figured out :cool::yep:

It has already been figured out , All of this is a figment of my imagination.No big deal, I just pop a few more pills and it doesn't matter any more.:mrgreen:
In that case, it is definitely OFF!

Here, have a couple of mine. The lavender ones are really good...
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