Terra- Planet of the Amazons


Galactica lives in Germany
Jan 3, 2015
North East Germany, Europa
Phoxim Apokalypse, mein Beitrag aus dem Wettbewerb/
Phoxim Apocalypse, my contribution from the competition

Geschichte : Biologischer Krieg, alle Männer ausgestorben.....
Die Frauen überleben durch klonen, doch nach und nach funtionierte es nicht mehr, die verbliebene Gesellschaft fing an sich aufzulösen.....Anarchie.
Da landet ein Raumschiff......

Story, story: Biological war, all men extinct .....
The women survive by cloning, but little by little funtionierte, the remaining society began to dissolve ..... Anarchy.
There is landing a space ship ......
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This is a very interesting theme and diorama. As always, you have done a FANTASTIC JOB with this project. I have always found it interesting how you take parts from many different things and turn them into something else that is was never intended for (originally).
Nice work! I work on my action figure displays much the same way. I use almost all recycled materials, paper models, and computer graphics for the textures, logos, and signage. Most of mine is recycled corrugated cardboard and computer graphics. I really like your stone work.
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I had been meaning to visit that planet. I might have been able to help them diversify their genetic pool. :)
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:) As usually, you make excellent dioramas that tell stories, wunderbar!! :)
Cylon Girl, why is this man trying to get off that planet? He shJust surrender to the women, offer up some services, turn the space ship into a car, and go parking!!. I am quite sure everything would work out in the end. He might be tired, but happy. ;)

Cylon Girl, warum versucht dieser Mann, diesen Planeten zu verlassen? Er sollte sich einfach den Frauen hingeben, einige Dienste anbieten, das Raumschiff in ein Auto verwandeln und parken! Ich bin ganz sicher, dass alles am Ende funktionieren würde. Er könnte müde sein, aber glücklich. ;)