tas star trek cargo-2 vessel

Revelle-Fan, you are doing a great job. This particular ship has always bothered me. If you think about mass and inertia, all the long parts would be parallel which each other. This would allow less strain on the Hull. It just doesn't make sense compared to the rest of Star Trek's ships. However, being that it was used in the show, that's that. My 1.22 cents worth. ;)
Nothing can be as perfect as the Galactica. :cool:

(duck and cover)

Which one do you prefer, the original which looks like an origami papercraft or the revision which looks like a submarine?
Now that's a good question!

I am a traditionalist, so clearly drawn to the Tholian-reversed kit with the nacelles (if you could have seen the filming model!!!) but the tadpole with windows, like Eaglemoss sold, is interesting. I imagine the curves of the latter would scare away such an effort though, right?
Ohhh, that would be nice! I'm busy with writing some instructions but I'll PM you. :)