T-51b Power Armor build (Fallout) [FINISHED]


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
EDIT: This is the finished model:
Steel Paladin of the Brotherhood.jpg

Haven't had the time to build anything for a while now, but Fallout 4 has some nice power armor designs.
So here it is the iconic Power armor from Fallout 1.

I did add some details to the texture that was not in FO4, but it was present on the original ones in FO1 ... like the small red arrow near the main air filter.

I'm a bit rusty but I think I had a good start with the helmet.
T51b_1_03.jpg T51b_1_04.jpg T51b_1_07.jpg T51b_1_08.jpg
T51b_1_09.jpg T51b_1_10.jpg

In not really satisfied with the wire on that optical thingie, so I think I'll try rolling up some wet black paper and make it with that, maybe use some superglue to make it less vunerable after drying.

I'm also thinking about using a little dry brushing with steel/silver metallic paints later. It may do the model some good, but I will have to test how it look on one of the bigger/simpler armor pieces first ... like the upper leg when I get there.
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This is fantastic!!
Wow, you're moving fast on this, and it's coming out so nice, excellently, actually!! ;)
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Wow, you're moving fast on this, and it's coming out so nice, excellently, actually!! ;)
I am amazed and impressed with the work that you are doing on this project!
Thank you!

..So now that picture uploads work here is the update from last weekend:
Usually I would join the torso with the legs and finish up with the arms. The wrists being the place I close up the model. But for this template I think closing it up at the hips will work better ... so I started on the arms first, and I'm glad I did, because the elbows were a pain in the posterior. Some armor plates are still missing from the joints.

T51b_8_01.jpg T51b_8_03.jpg T51b_8_04.jpg T51b_8_06.jpg T51b_8_07.jpg T51b_8_08.jpg T51b_8_09.jpg T51b_8_10.jpg T51b_8_11.jpg T51b_8_15.jpg

Also put some discarded blade pieces in the wrists, because I intend to use small magnets to attach the hands, so I can change the weapon if I ever feel like building some extras :)
It's amazing how you are getting such a rounded look to this, great technique! :)
A new weekend a new update:

I was not really satisfied with the sides of the upper chest plate so redone that part. Now its much better.
Done the waist and hips, some piping on the torso, plus started on the armor plates I left out so far.
The armor plates on the left foot are being hold in place with small (3mm cube) neodymium magnets so I can detach it to show off to show off the foot assembly.

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T51b_9_08.jpg T51b_9_09.jpg T51b_9_10.jpg
(Also got a new cutting mat for my bday so now you have a cm grid for better feel of the size ;) )

Here's an extra with the WIP helmet and the pauldrons thrown in for effect :p
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OK so I've been building lots of small stuff today:
The feet are finally done, with 3 out of 4 of the big plates held in place by magnets.
Some other smaller plates gone to the ankle and the elbow.
Also built the frame part of the pauldrons, and some detail work on the back.
T51b_10_01.jpg T51b_10_02.jpg T51b_10_03.jpg
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Today I've done the most complicated thing I have ever built without (much) flaps ... I think: The lock wheel on the center of the back. Took some time but I think it came out fairly well.
T51b_11_01.jpg T51b_11_02.jpg T51b_11_03.jpg T51b_11_04.jpg
T51b_11_05.jpg T51b_11_06.jpg T51b_11_07.jpg T51b_11_08.jpg
(The pauldrons are still not glued on. but the frames are holding them in approx. their final position)
T51b_11_11.jpg T51b_11_12.jpg
Damn! This really is kicking ass!! I was diverted for a couple of days, and this masterpiece continues. Excellent workmanship, excellent build thread, excellent all the around!! :)
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