Starship Troopers - Rodger Young /free/ 1:?

I like how you can really see where the drop ships come out. Very cool! :)
Man, you see all the innards, the see it build outwards to the outside and then, the ship appears. I don't know of many places where you get this kind of knowledge free, and so readily available. ;)
Mate!! Sorry, I have to get to know you much better!!!:animated:
I did some hunting and as near as I can find/sorta remember, it was Ekuth who did the ol Rog the first time around. It's been about 10 years or so. But it was free (may have even been here at one point in time)

I even found this quote, from our very own forums:

Ekuth;219831 said:
Just FYI: While I have nothing at all against MOS keeping a copy on his servers or distributing it, the actual "official" place to get the RY and the various add on files is at Zealot.

Not sure if that helps clarify the issue or clutter it up.

This is actually one of the first ships on my list of "things to do." But I haven't worked up the courage and funds at the same time to build it.

When I do, I think I'll reinforce the insides with balsa and basswood. But I already have a place picked out in my house for it (little does my wife know. Heh heh heh ;) )
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Skoda, that's a fantastic build. I thought Ekuth's was a masterpiece when I first saw it, but now...yeah, I've got to revise that opinion. Can't wait to see it finished. May I borrow some pictures for inspiration?
Skoda, that's a fantastic build. I thought Ekuth's was a masterpiece when I first saw it, but now...yeah, I've got to revise that opinion. Can't wait to see it finished. May I borrow some pictures for inspiration?

ok thank you can be inspired;)
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This is the most accurate representation of this model I have seen so far, and if it continues, at this rate, it will be the standard to which all others will be held. It is awesome. I just watched the movie again, playing in the background, till they showed the space scenes, then I was glued, just to see the ships. You've nailed it Skoda!! I hope you like your new custom title, it's true, don't be shy! :)