Stargate ships


New Member
Dec 22, 2010
HI everybody!:)
Does anybody makes any new paper modell of stargate ship?
Ori cruiser,wraith hive,aurora class ship,maybe atlantis,or anything else.
There was one gut that was making all of them, but I have not seen him for quite awhile. He may have just fallen off the grid.
I do not remember if he was on this site or Paper Modelers.

On another note your can find a few Goa' uld vessels on the web. Here are a few sites that I know that have them and what they offer.

Death Glider Card Model

Tel'Tak cargo vessel
Alkesh Transport

This is all that I can find for now. I hope that it help a bit.

Thanks I already have this modell's I would like to have those models what I write in the previous post!But thanks:)