Star Destroyer Paper Model Project


Active Member
Sep 13, 2019
This thread is to update the progress of my personal project “Star Destroyer Paper Model Project” (see details below).
I’ll keep updating the progress every 1-2 weeks. Just a friendly sharing of my own work with you guys who are Star Wars fans and paper model lovers around the world!

- What am I going to build? -
A BIG, highly detailed, neatly made IMPERIAL II CLASS STAR DESTROYER paper model. Planned to be 110 cm long & 66 cm wide, this would become one of the world’s biggest and most perfect Star Destroyer paper model once it’s completed.

- What’s so special about this project? -
Let me make it clear, this piece of art will be a true PAPER model, the only material will be used to construct this model is pure various types of paper (and glue). No plastic parts or wooden structure, no painting, no digital texture or any printed part, electricity, etc., ONLY PAPER.

And to make it even more challenging, this model will be completely made by hand. Scaling and measuring will be done by hand tools, no computer or calculator will be used. Cut by scissors and paper cutting knife only, no electronic or automatic cutting machine will be used as well.

For conclusion, what you will see here is a progress of the meter-long hand-built Star Destroyer paper model, THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD.

Please follow the fanpage to see our progress:
The very first update is here!
With the help of information collected from the internet and many books as a reference, now the first few pieces of this Star Destroyer are shaping up! the main top and bottom panels have been placed with supporting structures.
More updates will come soon!

PS. This is a non-commercial project
Please feel free to like and share

Please follow the fanpage to see our progress: 20190925.jpg20190925-2.jpg20190925-3.jpg20190925-4.jpg
#PaperStarDestroyer #StarWars
Me too, go for it mate. I love big models as you can show more detail in them.

I shall be following this for sure.
I am not a paper purist. I think if you build this model and done't use something like wood as a frame, you will eventually lost it to warpage. Do what you wish, but you should consider using a framing other than paper, moisture will get in there, and you model will twist, making for a highly detailed lobsided model. Just some friendly advice. It would benice to see a detailed model of this ship, since most of them are just basic shapes with a lot of graphics of them. Good luck. ;)
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I have sent you a P.M., please respond as soon as possible!

wish you good luck and lot of patience and endurance to finish this project. Zathros advises you well with non paper frame. He is experienced and knowleable guy. Please consider it.

Will you model heve every detail to be the same as original? Or did you choose "it feels like the ship" approach?
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This model is looking really good!! ;)
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It's already starting to pop!! ;)

A few days worth for this command tower!
with the help of some close shot from ESB and the picture of the original studio model used in the filming of Star Wars, now I can refer these sources for details around the command tower. However, I feel like the thick paper can't be used to create smaller details, I may use another type of paper to make it look better soon!

PS. there's a small piece of plastic frame I put on the backside of the tower, this one is only to remind me not to forget to create a grid panel using paper, so the plastic frame will be replaced with the new paper part later. (please note that I'm strictly sticking to my concept that this model will be made with paper only!)

#PaperStarDestroyer #StarWars





This looks FANTASTIC! I really like how you used the corrugation from the corrugated cardboard boxes for some of your detail. This is really coming together beautifully!
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HOLY MOLY! Now that my speed is back I'm able to fully enjoy your project. The layering looks great. I have been making some birthday cards lately which I laminated on both sides. They got extremely hard, almost like wood. The command tower must be very sturdy. Did you laminate the main body as well? I would have added several layers of corrugated card to make sure it will keep its shape. What kind of cardboard are you using?
HOLY MOLY! Now that my speed is back I'm able to fully enjoy your project. The layering looks great. I have been making some birthday cards lately which I laminated on both sides. They got extremely hard, almost like wood. The command tower must be very sturdy. Did you laminate the main body as well? I would have added several layers of corrugated card to make sure it will keep its shape. What kind of cardboard are you using?

Thank you for your compliment!
I don't know how they call this kind of cardboard, it has gray color on one side and white on the other side with several different thicknesses to choose. And yes, I've added 2 up to 4 layers to make it strong enough depending on each area.

As I use this type of paper to creates many models since 15 years ago, I have to say that some models I've made since a decade ago still sturdy and looking good until now!
That sounds great! I really, really hope you are documenting your work carefully by drawing some plans. It would be a shame if this model or parts of it could not be replicated - either in case of damage or in case of building up a fleet. ;)
Those pieces came out really great! :)