Spaceagent-9 2017 build pic threads

Check this baby out, saw it on facebook

View attachment 193672

Who makes this?

Would it be cool if this was modeled in paper?

By the way; thanks for inspiring me to watch Darkstar. Your kit led me to finally do it after years.

I had walked into a convention showing of it when I was a guest there, but I never sat to watch it. I was working, and never had the time then, so it was nice to finally sit through it.

It reminded me of a comedy series that I watched as a kid called Quark; a spoof of Star Trek and Star Wars. Darkstar was serious, but the riffs were similar. I wonder when that will hot DVD!

And they had a most interesting ship in that show...not much for paper modeling, but one you won't quickly forget...


Never seen this serie but I checked the blond twins. And I have to say its a good looking............. ahum yes serie
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I don't have a sewing machine, anyone care to take a whack at this. Maybe make one out of typing paper and scotch tape?

looks like he needs an Excederin. here is my King Kong 33' stego I still have to paint it all the way, and also there is a pubis underneath all that leafage, the angle is just wrong on the shoot. You just pull those fins off and dip them in the sauce!

Still waiting on a late delivery.
My entire hobby area is torn down until I can put up the new furniture.
I'm doing a lot of file transfers in the meantime. Also an air-dry Bronto, but it's cracking as it drys.
Decided that I'm going with supersculpty from now on. It comes in large quantities and in varied colors and also bakes well on very low for just a few hours with no burning.
Playing my guitar more trying to get back near to where I was before the strokes.
Also watching a bunch of movies I have never seen while I wait this out.
The weather has shifted to broil out here in AZ oh sure it seems nice, AT FIRST but then as your drink evaporates before it touches your lips in some kind of Phileas torment by the gods of fires and heat, you might begin to wonder if anything can live in the desert.
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I passed thru southern Az on my way to Ca in March, Then thru north Az on my way home. All I saw of southern Az was highway and dust...
Northern Az looked nice to me, but the wife was suffering from bad clams...
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Yeah, sometimes clams absorb toxins like mussels do. With all this fukashima radiation settling in areas, the kelp and such are collecting it and I'm sure that clams do too. When I lived in Eureka Humboldt county in Ca, we had an abundance of clams and even put them on pizza. clam and cheese pizza with hot peppers is delish!!
AT FIRST but then as your drink evaporates before it touches your lips in some kind of Phileas torment by the gods of fires and heat, you might begin to wonder if anything can live in the desert.

I use to think that this was happening to me too, but then i realized my drinks were all whiskey...and I am very Irish...
