Sketchup help


New Member
Jun 22, 2008
Hey guys, a friend of mine is having some trouble in Sketchup. The problem is that he exports the model in Blender to .3ds format and imports it into SketchUp and the model doesn't ever really show up. Its like a crazy wacked out blobbed wireframe and thats it, nothing else. Any ideas for how he can fix this?
I'll check it out, thanks for the suggestion. What happens is, nothing shows up when the .3ds file is imported into Sketchup, just a grey blob.
what happens if you do a zoom extents in a side elevation? I'd expect it to go right in to display the grey blob in detail.. (unless there's an unwanted object out in the distance somewhere.)
I'll let him know about the suggestion, thanks. Although from what I've heard it's a common problem with Sketchup.