Scratch building with photos

Hi, that's a loaded question. First, what are you working with, software wise? Let's start with that and see where we can go. :)
Access to and knowing how to use, are two different things. If you were good at sketch up, you would not need to ask. I have seen people make fantastic models with Paint, though it is hard and time consuming. What kind of structures do you wish to make? :)
I would like to make some buildings to put up on a city scene layout, such as small business', homes, and maybe a few medium to large business'.
Well, there are sites that already have buildings like this made. One is Papermau, you could build a city with all the models he has.


For more I suggest you use the search function in the forum, check out the Architectural thread, and do the same with Google. The following results were garnered with the wording "FREE architectural models" on Google and I got all the results below, on the first page, not even the first page because there are too many to list! Be a little more specific with what you are looking for or trying to do and we can help you out better. All the models I have pointed you to are FREE. This forum's focus is on the FREE offerings of models sites that give their work away. We do not allow commercial listing. You would need many lifetimes to build all the quality free models that are available. :)

Check out Canon Creative Park, the have some of the most famous structures in the world and they are beautiful :

This site has Skyscraper models :

Please,, just to get your post count up, post a build thread. I would like to see what you have come up with as I am sure others would. :)