SCARM Railroad Layout Designer


Feb 7, 2014
Not sure how, but the topic about free SCARM track planning software is gone after site upgrade. Or I just cannot found it, so hereI will try to restore it.

The latest version download and info can be found here: [URL='']SCARM v. 0.9.23 Released[/url].

Sample and real layouts, designed in SCARM can be viewed and downloaded from Railway Layouts & Track Plans section of the site. Below is one picture from the featured layout for February, entirely designed in SCARM:

Hope this info will be useful to the forum members :)

And here is the first tutorial in the blog about using of the new road feature:

The Roads in SCARM – Part 1 – Basic Usage


More tutorials about roads in SCARM will come soon ;)

Here is the list with articles in the blog for March:

I am now preparing the next tutorials about the new roads in SCARM, so keep an eye in the blog if you are interested there ;)

The summer ends, but the new SCARM v. 0.9.25 is ready and comes with two new figures and many new and updated track libraries. Read more about it here:

SCARM Railway Layout Software 0.9.25 Released

The new figures are for representing of horizontal and vertical 3D cylinders and will allow drawing of complex objects and rolling stock, like the small steam engine below:


Hope you will like the new version ;)

Several users reported for a problem with the new SCARM 0.9.25 after fresh install or update. This is probably due to corrupted download of the installation package. It seems that sometimes installer is able to run even if it is not downloaded correctly, but after that, the program crashes on startup. If you also experience such problems, follow the steps described in the link below:

Resolving SCARM Installation Issues

This should help for fixing of bad setup package downloads, but if not, write a message here or in the blog.

Wow!! This almost blew by me. Excellent! Please Please, post every bit of detail, every nugget. There are a lot of train people who don't get into it because (we) they (me) lack basic knowledge. :)
OK, I will post the project file of the steam loco later this month :)

And now, see one nice gallery in the blog with very detailed SCARM screenshots, containing scenes from Indian Railways:

Farrukhabad And More From Indian Railways in SCARM

Here are just 3 of them:




These were created with the old v.0.9.24 without the cylinder figures. The new v. 0.9.25 will be able to produce even more realistic landscapes for those, who are interested to create rich virtual layouts in SCARM.

As promised, here is the article with the project of the small steam engine that I used for demonstration of the new cylinder features in SCARM v. 0.9.25:

Drawing of Prussian T3 Steam Loco in SCARM

The pictures inside shows most of the steps in the drawing of a close representation of Prussian T3 loco in HO scale. In example, here is the wheelset - as parts and assembled:


See all the pics in the blog post and download the project file to see it in details on your own PCs.

In the beginning of November, I launched the new SCARM website, which now has modern look and responsive design and comes with a lot of new and updated information and resources about the program. Go and see it:


The site now works well not only on PCs, but also on tablets and smartphones too. Contents section is rewritten and optimized for easy navigation and access to the most important pages. The same is valid also for the documentation - it has new structure with many new and updated topics. See the new help page here:

Online help & FAQ about SCARM layout software

Hope you will like the new site :)


Several bugs were discovered in SCARM 0.9.26 related to the renaming of the layers and then save and restore of the already changed layer names. The patched version of the program was released today.
Please upgrade to SCARM 0.9.27, which can be downloaded from to fix these problems.

See more about this bugfix update in the following blog post: SCARM v. 0.9.27 Released.

I am sorry if these bugs caused any problems and inconvenience in your work with SCARM. If you see another problems, please report them here or in SCARM Blog and I will try to fix them ASAP.

Here I want to present the first very detailed virtual locomotive models in SCARM, created by Ian Donohoe and shown in the SCARM blog here:

Detailed 3D Models of US Diesel Locomotives in SCARM

Below are two of them:



These are created with the object's interface of SCARM and are auto-scalable to the scale and gauge of the used tracks in the layout plan.


Download the loco library from the blog's post and use these nice models in your virtual SCARM layouts :)
