SATANIA updated and released by Shunichi Makino - for FREE!


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Yes, folks, you read it right: Shunichi has updated his Satania model. It is bigger than before and for the first time it is available for FREE!


The model is based on a painting made for a book cover. Shunichi did a remarkable job of translating the 2D information into a fully fleshed out physical 3D model. Some creative license was involved but the result was as stunning as it was impressive. The first version was not released on his website but could be purchased for a small fee from Shunichi directly.

It is a beautiful design and I'm looking forward to building it. Grab it here and have fun and enjoy!

Thank you, Shunichi! :)
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In addition, Shunichi is working on a video diary to illustrate the assembly just like he did with his magnificent Millennium Falcon model. The first installment has already been released:

More vids will be posted here as soon as they are available. :)
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God thing you put up the Instruction Video. A picture assembly, maybe with screen grabs would be better. Great find . Good looking ship, though I knoweth not from whence it came. :)
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