Sacral architecture

Tomb of František Palacký, Lobkovice, (Czech Republic)

Scale : 1:?
Author : Ondřej Hejl

There are only a few graves in the old cemetery around the Baroque Church of the Assumption in Lobkovice near Neratovice. One of them belongs to the very father of Czech historiography, František Palacký.
František Palacký was interested in Czech history, especially the Hussite period, which he considered to be the time when national, democratic and social ideals were realized. One of his most famous works, the five-volume History of the Czech Nation in Bohemia and Moravia, was created in part at Lobkovice Castle.
The dominant feature of the tomb is the statue of the Savior by J. Maixner from Vienna, which was created around 1860. After the death of F. Palacký, the tomb was supplemented with ornaments and two reliefs depicting F. Palacký and his wife Terézia in profile. The modification of the tomb was carried out in 1876 by the sculptor Antonín Wilott. Since 2004, the grave has been registered on the Central List of Cultural Monuments of the Czech Republic.


My edits:
Built without modifications, I made a box into which the tomb was pasted, I put sprinkles on the bottom, on the back of the box I added the biography of F. Palacký and the description of the tomb itself, which came out together with the model.

Looks as real as the "real" one. :)
...thanks all ;)

God's torment in Bobrová, Czech Republic

Scale: 1:30
Author: Pavel Styl
Publisher: free model, download here:

...another addition to the series of sacral architecture is this little thing. A few words about the real construction:
...I didn't find much about this monument, just a few photos of the monument in not very good condition, where the statue of St. John of Nepomucky..
Photo of the real building:

Božie muky v Bobrovej img00002.jpg

...The model built more or less without modifications, I just added glass, made a terrain with static grass, and tentatively tried to make a working candle. I used a regular LED tea light. The candle is hidden in the base, I separated the LED from the candle and soldered about 5 cm of extension cables to get the diode to the chapel, then only the tip of the diode can be seen...
