Robinson - multi ship assembly

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Side wing pods joined to the top of the mini wings.

One of the nacelles joined to the mini wings.

Second nacelle joined with a wing tip attached to the nacelle. Note that the flat side is up. I originally was going to attach the angled side up, but this is Jan's design so it goes in like this.

Front canard wing tip - left side.
Front canard wing tip - right side.

Ship assembled - back.

Ship assembled - right side - orthogonal.

Ship assembled - left side.

Ship assembled - front side.


Ship assembled - bottom side.

The little ships to the right will be assembled and discussed later on.

I hope that you enjoy the pics!:)

Sky Seeker


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Looks robust enough to play with. :)

Oh it is!:) I haven't joined the little ship to the magnets yet because they are so tiny. Thinking about doing a design change on the smaller ships (i.e. scale up with additions). We'll see. Working on the Orca right now i.e. ship #2.

Sky Seeker
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Rea Liner - Small Ships

Here's some of the small fighter / explorer ships for the Rea Liner.

Pre-assembly and folding

Ship 1 finished

Small ship mounted on the big ship. There are no magnets on the small ship because the magnets that would work are too small and weak to keep the small ships (which as you can see above are less than 1 inch in length) on the main ship. I am thinking of coating the bottom of the ships with glue and sprinkling some metal filings. When I get some metal filings I'll give it a shot. In the mean time the ships will be like this for the short term. As you can see to the side I was messing around with the scale of one of the ships to see what happens when you double the size. I think it would still work.

Side view.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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Orca - Ship #2

Here are some pics of the Orca ship #2 being assembled.

Main body. Note that the center (piece #2) is cut out.

Center piece installed in the center area that was cut out before.

Front area. Note the edges colored with black marker. Note also the markings in pencil on the center of the front piece for placement of the magnet.

Internal area of piece #1 - main piece with piece #2 installed.

Positioning of the magnet. Just matching the magnet to a position of maximum magnetic strength on the Rea Liner.

Magnet placement on piece #1 - main body.



The main body all sealed or "buttoned up". Before I sealed everything up another magnet was added on the "2" in the figure above for a total of 4 magnets in the main body.

Top view - main body

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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More pics - Orca - Ship #2

This shows the other pieces and the side nacelles with the main body. THe side nacelles are mostly assembled ready for the addition of more magnets.


Installed piece #3 on the bottom of the main body.

Installation of the left side mini wing.

Top view.

Side view of the right side mini wing. The mini wings join the main body with the nacelles.

Top view.


Magnet installation on the rear of the right side mini wing.

Magnets being held in place while drying.

The ship on the right is the Rea Liner - Ship #1 lined up with the right side nacelle for the Orca Ship #2. Make sure that the magnets are lined up correctly before the glue sets in place as well as make sure that the Rea Liner - ship #1 lines up correctly with the other ship the Orca - ship #2.

Magnets positioned within the nacelles. Each nacelle has 3 magnets total. One in the front and two on the sides for connecting the other ships.

Top view main body assembled with the mini wings and one side panel joined with the right side mini wing to close off the internal structure.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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More pics - Orca - Ship #2

Nacelles assembled and left end pice placed on to the left mini wing


Orca lined up (sort of) with the Rear of the Rea Liner. Recommend that before you glue the nacelles in place that you line up the ship as much as you can. Place spacers beneath the main body of your ship to support the ship while the nacelles are being positioned and while they are drying.


Winglets and tail horizontal stabilizers.

Everything assembled.

Right Side View

Front View

Left Side View

Rear View

Bottom View



As you are putting together these models one can't help but admire how Jan has the surface textures line up. If you have a question as to how something lines up look at the surface textures. There definitely is genius at work here in Jan's designs. He makes the complex look very easy. I enjoyed building this model. I hope you do as well. Onto Ship #3 - the Beam Catcher!

Sky Seeker


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Here's a new post for the ship #3 - The Beam Catcher.

Main piece

In assembling this piece you work left to right. Before assembling try to color in the edges to avoid the white edge effect.
On one side I messed up and decided to do some art work on the sides. Why make mole hills when you can make mountains!

Main piece assembled with the art work on the side

Lower landing strut with magnets. Since the original work was already done with the Orca, the magnet for the Orca work used to line up the magnets for the main strut as shown. Just add glue to the magnets and apply into position. Make sure that the magnets are line up properly for strongest attachment.


Just took this picture to show the difference between coloring the edges and not coloring the edges.

Pieces assmbled and ready to join with the main ship.

Lower struts attached.


That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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More pics

Rear - Engine attached.

Satellite dish, front fins, and left wing attached to main fuselage.

Right wing attached and main vertical stabilizer or main tail attached. Note the extra amount of glue added to the base of the tail. This was done to help to reinforce the attachment of the tail.




The pics below show the extra amount of glue used to secure the base of the tail.


The Beam Catcher magnetically joined with the left side of the Orca. When joined like this the left wing of the Beam Catcher is below the landing struts of the Orca. If displayed you probably should have something to prop up the bottom of the Orca.

Front View

Left side view


Back View

Right Front view.

Left front view.

Right Side view

That's it for now. Onto ship #4 - the Ion Refinery!

Sky Seeker


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I have absolutely no background knowledge of this model or story line. Watching you put it together is a surprise in every step. It is deceivingly more complex than it seems. You are doing a great job on it. :)
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I have absolutely no background knowledge of this model or story line. Watching you put it together is a surprise in every step. It is deceivingly more complex than it seems. You are doing a great job on it. :)

Z - Hey thanks! Yes it is a mixture of simple and complex. Jan's textures make aligning pieces a snap. However, it is recommended to test fit pieces before assembling. The one that I'm currently working on, the Ion Refinery, has a lot of little cylinders and you MUST train (i.e. roll between your fingers) the paper first before gluing into a cylinder. Magnetic alignments can also be tricky. I might have to redo the Rea Liner magnets to line up better or rebuild the sides of the Orca again. All of these designs scream to be greebled, but right now I'm focusing on assembling everything first then maybe I'll go crazy.

Thanks for stopping on by.

Sky Seeker
I have absolutely no background knowledge of this model or story line. Watching you put it together is a surprise in every step. It is deceivingly more complex than it seems. You are doing a great job on it. :)

Z - here's the link for the Robinson story.

And here's the translation:

Before October (2015), I was asked by ABC to create another series of models that would form a comprehensive project, just like the successful Astro Racery. After the unrealized WarBoti project (something like a robot chess piece), I had another idea of the complex of ships in a larger craft traveling through the universe after the star world was destroyed by the home world.

I liked the project and I got green and the complex of boats will come next year 2016. It was enough to think of a carrier line (a story that explains it all), the shape of the ships, their color, the way they will hold together, and about 100 other things .

Robinson Story -

It was a system of several inhabited worlds in the middle with a beautiful pale blue sun. I was just riding the R7 inland route to Vostoror when something happened to our star. I do not know what exactly, but our sun has turned into a blue fiery haze stretching its beak into all the corners of the visible space. The worlds disappeared one by one, leaving behind an orange footprint just like someone writing a huge invisible pencil.Anger mingled with despair, and I fell into despair. Our whole civilization was erased by the snapping of a finger. Captain R of the Seventh went to the outer corridor of our system, hoping to connect with other survivors. Especially away from that bluish sketch.I will not extend it further and tell you about Robinson. In the orbit of the last known world of the outer corridor Terra-F with a smaller colony, our complex was formed. It's a set of eight boats that make up a unique, self-sufficient and viable whole. The first is our line, REA Liner R7, number 561, connected to the engineering ship Orca, the heart of the complex, bringing together other unique units. On the port is the Beam Catcher ship with far-reaching sensors and transmitters, on the starboard Ion Refinery for fuel and fuel station service modules. Behind the Orco there are two high-powered boats. One is the Next Line line and the second Solar Explorer with a shield generator. At Robinson's tail, the Opalia flagship is secured against the direction of the flight, crowned by the luxurious Neucom Cruiser with a huge garden and a command bridge.It has been almost ten years since no more than 2,000 people have decided to find a new habitable world with this compass. From the datasets of the long-range sensors and the remnants of the solar archive, a blue planet corresponding to our parameters was selected in the Sun's Sun system not too distant from our current position. I estimate that the road to the top speed will take us another decade, but I believe we can reach our home with Robinson.

I hope this helps your understanding of the story. Let me know if you want the translation of the other ships.

Sky Seeker
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Here are some more stories for each of the ships:

Robinson Assembly



Ship #1 - Rea Liner


Robinson 01 REA Liner - The Robinson complex is the R7 561 line transport flying through the REA blue system's internal solar systems. The ship is equipped with three cruise modules, which are now mainly used for exploration. The Link Line R7 itself, renamed confidentially to Connie, now serves as a backup command ship with crew quarters and 375 survivors. The complex is connected by two overpressure doors for free movement of persons and material.

Ship #2 - Orca


Robinson 02 Orca - The heart of the Robinson complex consists of the engineering ship Orca, providing both the repairs and the production of the necessary components, both the ships and the modules themselves, as well as the daily necessities. All technologies are included here. Orca is connected with hatchways and pressure doors on another 6 ships and it is therefore impossible for the Robinson complex without it to exist. The ship includes autonomous production lines, metallurgical laboratories, hangars, warehouses and quarters for a further 166 survivors.

Ship #3 - Beam Catcher


Robinson 03 Beam Catcher - Robinson's communication is the oldest ship of the Beam Catcher BC-5 complex. With long-range sensors and a huge parabola, it monitors both incoming and outgoing long and short range signals. After departure from the parent system, the ship had crew posts, but the training programs were able to replace the losses. The complex is connected by landing legs and rotated by 90 °, so there is a need for gravity correctors for passages. Currently, BC-5 is home to 97 people.

Ship #4 - Ion Refinery


Robinson 04 ION refinery - Robinson's fuel is produced in the Ion Refinery, which is another indispensable part of it. Without a refinery, it would not be possible for an interstellar journey to the new world. The ship is filled with several fuel dispensers and a self-service multi-purpose module. The supply of manufactured fuel to Robinson is through the filling tunnels adjacent to the Orca. There are 72 people at the refinery, and the ship is also their home.

Ship #5 - Next Liner


Robinson 05 Next Liner - Another Robinson complex is the Next Line line. Her powerful engine has the necessary stroke to tandem with the other ship to shake the mass of the complex and get the survivors to safety. Next Liner originally served as a transport and cruise ship for the remote worlds of our system. Now it is the dock of its two modules and the home of another 273 people.

Ship #6 - Solar Explorer


Robinson 06 Solar Explorer - The second ship to drive the Robinson complex is Solar Explorer - a mapping and research ship. Its uniqueness is not only a powerful engine but also a generator of a shield field, which, after several modifications, protects the entire complex instead of just one ship. Solar Explorer also has a majority of the star archive in its systems. This ship is inhabited by 255 survivors.

Ship #7 - Opalia


Robinson 07 Opalia - Robinson Star is made up of the Ambassador of the Planet of Opalian 086 Ambassador of the Planet System in the Blue Sun. After the destruction of its homeland, Opalia has become the headquarters of the interim government of the entire complex and the link between the rear portions of ships 5 and 6. In addition, it is home to 137 other people.

Ship #8 - Neucom


Robinson 08 Neucom - The latest and largest ship of the Robinson complex is the cruiser of Neucom. A cruise ship with plenty of cabins, places to relax and enjoy, a huge garden, dock cruises, and a major operating bridge. The vessel is also a refuge for 602 passengers.


Sky Seeker
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Fantastic story line. Was this a series? Book? Was it ever translated to English,, or Spanish? I would really like more, to experience this story. :)
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Someone really needs to scoop up Jan and bring the new wave of SciFi to fruition!! :)
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Someone really needs to scoop up Jan and bring the new wave of SciFi to fruition!! :)

Wonder if the the SciFi channel would be willing to produce something like this? At the very minimum a book could be made with all of the models at the end. The models could be slightly scaled up with little decks on the inside, cargo bays etc..

BTW I've finished the Ion Refinery will probably post the pics tomorrow.

Sky Seeker
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They would probably steal it from him. Paramount stole Babylon-5 from it's creator and turned it into "Deep Space 9", after winning the lawsuit, the settlement was that Babylon 5 would be funded. Even posting aything publicly without copyright protection is throwing it to the wind. One thing is that this forum establishes a timeline, and tat can be useful in a lawsuit. :)
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I like the concept and having the children's book have the models in at the end. maybe a disc to print them out. Yes, write it first and have it all ready to self publish, with certified witness or a public notary [50 bucks] ( my sister is one if you need it) . It would be a good forum product.
For some reason, pain shots or strokes or just plain dumb, I thought this was a race, like those dice game battle space ship thingys I have heard of or made ships for, and we were all going to submit racers and then have a die generator move our ships along according to our personal nomenclature for our entry. Man was I on mars on that one. But I like both ideas. Maybe its a damn good idea and we should have an educational race around known astronomic courses with our own designs and capabilities. All sub-light of course and with boosts to the nebulas and star systems when we arrive at a station. blah blah blah, I do go on.
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