Reverse loop issues


Jul 27, 2006
Saint Paul MN.
I love having my reverse loop, because its amazing for operational purposes. I have a switch off my mainm that goes directly into a wye, where the loop ends meet. The loop itself is about 16' feet long, and powered by a Bachman reverse loop module. I moved to a MRC dcc system, and have finally been able to run trains with it now that Ive cleaned after painting the track. Whenever the loco hits the rail gaps, it causes the system to stall. I never had this problem with the Bachman dcc system, I dont know if I need a new reverse module, or if I can play with the locations of the gaps to make a difference. Im not good at explaining this, so ask questions if need be. But can anybody help?
Kevin: did you just install the new system where the old one was?
The was an article (MR, a few years ago?) comparing several reverse loop modules and finding that there were sensitivity issues with some of them but sensitivity could be adjusted.
Does the system short out or just pause and restart? Can you hear the module click? (does it click?) What happens if you short over the rail gaps with a coin? (short one rail over the plastic joiner, then the other one, then the other pair).
Yes I simply swaped out the DCC system, Bachman to MRC, and left the Bachman module in. with the old system, it would click, and short out the train for a breif (not noticeable) second while reversing polarity. And it all worked fine. But now what is happining, is the new DCC system is more sensitive. Ill try the coin trick tomorrow.
Well I tried the thing with the coin to get a better idea of whats going on. First the inner track gap on the left, the DCC handhelds screen said SDVA (or something like that) and I lose all control. And then the outer track, nothing happens. Then when I went to the other set of gaps, nothing seems to happen at either gaps individually. But whenever I put it over both gaps at ounce it also shorted out like it would if I put the coin over both rails at any given point on the layout. The module is clicking though so its doing its job, I just think the MRC system is too sensitive. Bummer.
Does the module have an adjusting feature? Unless it was strictly built to respond to the B'mann system, I would think it could be adjusted.
You might try posting this question in the B'mann forum ( I'm sure someone over there has a better idea of how their system works.
Does the module have an adjusting feature? Unless it was strictly built to respond to the B'mann system, I would think it could be adjusted.
You might try posting this question in the B'mann forum ( I'm sure someone over there has a better idea of how their system works.

The only adjustable feature is the scale your using it for. But I believe the problem is the MRC system not the B-man module, so Ill probably end up buying another. :cry: